Overhaul Updated Spells - Neverwinter Nights Overhaul Project (2024)

SpellChange MadeNotesAmplify

Added new counterspell: Silence

Description and script: Dispels Silence. Applies an AOE that lowers Move Silently skill for those in the area and decreases sonic immunity.

Make it long range and able to dispel silence at range makes it much more useful. Even if limited to bards: https://dnd.arkalseif.info/spells/spell-compendium--86/amplify--3825/index.html

Also made alterations to Silence to match.

Aura of Glory

Description and script: Apply the bonuses to skills and the Turn Undead bonus separately. Add note about healing 1HP to those in the area. Change the AOE to be smaller (Medium, 3.33M). Make a mobile AOE that applies the +2 save vs. Fear.

The +2 vs. Fear is +5 in the Bioware version so might just up it. Bit weak otherwise perhaps.

Bioware did +4 Charisma which is sort of the same as adding to related skills and the Turn Undead checks, but also affects Divine Might. Maybe that's just the better option all round. Paladins don't get a lot of love.

Will think about it.

Aura of Glory - Cursed

Disabled, unused in the game and just confusing.

Aura of Vitality

Range: Touch → Short

Description and script: Needs fixing to not centre on caster. Changed to Large radius as per PnP and added the limit of 1 creature per 3 levels (shouldn't be an issue tbh).

VFX changed to Natures Balance for now, need a nature one of the right size (now large) to be used.

As noted in the description. Note spell script also needs fixing (centres on caster anyway). This is how the 3E spell works: https://dndtools.org/spells/magic-of-faerun--20/aura-of-vitality--1732/

Level: Druid 7,
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature per 3 levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

All targets receive a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores.


Updated to affect any animal. So animal companions and some summons. The 3E spell requires a saving throw we'll bin that, to keep it simpler, and keep the Bioware changes (attack bonus versus having +2 HD).

Range: Touch

Valid Targets: Self, Item

Awaken being more useful is always good.


Nothing really to fix but need to consider the item property to catch the thresholds.

Balagarn's Iron Horn

Spell School Enchantment → Transmutation, Marked as Hostile

AI category changed from AOE Discriminate to AOE Indiscriminate

Description, function and script: Change to a cone ala Cone of Cold. Proper strength checks.

It was obviously meant to be Transmutation since the PnP is Transmutation. Probably copy/paste error.

Changed this to the cone effect since more cones with the new targeting is good. Also more unique and to the original spells description.

Additionally clarified the description to match strength check rules.

This really needs a better VFX - have reused the "Sonic Cone" one, but maybe recolour it (and make more transparent) or reuse a "gaze" and recolour.


Removed Hostile flag

Removed projectile (personal only)

AI category changed to Persistent AOE

Bestow Curse

Counterspell: Remove Curse

Description and script, and setup: Add melee touch attack due to the increased strength of the spell (it's permanent after all).

Have 8 options as subspells:

  • -6 Strength
  • -6 Dexterity
  • -6 Constitution
  • -6 Intelligence
  • -6 Wisdom
  • -6 Charisma
  • -3 All Ability Scores
  • -4 Attack, Saving Throws and Skill Rolls

We should add some better options options: https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3e_SRD:Bestow_Curse

-6 for a specific statistic

-4 attack rolls, saving throws and skill rolls

50% chance to act normally 50% not.

8 options for subspells means we can have the 6 attributes at -6, -4 to attack rolls and skill rolls, and -3 to all stats (a better buff then -2) to reflect the original spell. The 50% to not act is more like Confusion and probably best leaving that to a shorter duration spell (it'd be mega annoying on this permanent one).

Also need to add Break Enchantment.


Description and script: Removal of prepared spells or slots on hit on a failed will save. Clarified Dispel check.

Full description: https://dnd.arkalseif.info/spells/magic-of-faerun--20/blackstaff--1737/index.html

Changes we can now do is add the spell loss - which is quite a powerful function of the original spell!

  • Add: "Third, any spellcaster struck by a successful melee or melee touch attack with the blackstaff loses one prepared spell (or one unused spell slot, for spellcasters who do not prepare spells) of the highest spell level available."
  • A successful Will save negates the spell loss, but not any damage or dispel effects caused by a strike of the blackstaff.

You can target another creatures staff or magical staff - even the spell specifically says that can be done. We'll sort dispel magic to remove temporary item properties so this works.

Another thing:

  • Do we increase the cap on the dispel check? If not leaving at +10 maximum is automatically in place.
Blade Thirst

Description and script: Add light property, add blue flame VFX.

Script: correct duration to be 1 round/level.

I love the description in the book:

You touch a blade, and it catches fire. Unearthly blue flames crackle along its length while the weapon beneath remains cold and unharmed.

You grant a slashing weapon a 3 enhancement bonus. The weapon sheds illumination as if it were a torch.

So we can add a bit of that with a new weapon VFX (blue flames!)

I think we can fix the script to match the description for duration. 1 round/level seems sensible.

Bless Weapon

Description: added note about casting on holts (Blessed Bolt)

Script: correct duration to 1 minute/level. Make it so it replaces existing weapon enchantments entirely probably.

Leaving as the usual vs. Undead damage. Might extend the duration depends.

Blood Frenzy

Ignore Immunity for the AC decrease, also probably will change to an enemy attack bonus (ie "misc AC").

Will debate on adding Fatigue to rage. If so it'll apply to this spell as well.

Note the 3.5E of this spell actually allows a use of the base Rage feat without using a use of it, and interesting use and might make this more useful if it was added as a feature ("If the target has the Rage ability they use it for free" kind of thing).

Burning Hands

Description: Clarified size of AOE

This is a perfect one we could extend at least up to caster level 10, at no real threat to higher spells due to the lower dice used (d4). Magic Missile even outpowers this quickly.


Mass Camouflage

Camouflage: Description: Minor wording changes (removal of "competence" etc.)

Mass Camouflage: Changed to Medium range. Remove hostile flag.

Mass: Keep it nice and simple. Alternative is a mobile AOE that only applys the hide once, but removes it when someone exits the AOE.

We could use a better AOE effect


Not much to say on this one. We could add the size limits of what you're affecting but meh.

Deafening Clang

Description and script: Deafening effect can only happen once per round maximum, leave the other effects as usual.

Script: Need to clarify when things are removed/replaced when adding temporary item properties.

This is a bit more powerful than the base book version which only has the deafness.

Just want to tidy up the description really. The 3.5E of the spell lasts a mere round but gets the advantage of an improved save DC I guess for deafness, and +1d6 sonic damage.

Book copy:

You empower the touched weapon with magic that causes it to emit a loud clang when it is struck against a hard surface, such as a floor, wall, or creature.
The item can create this noise once per round.
The clang has the effect of a thunderstone (see page 114 of the Player's Handbook) except that the caster and the weapon user are unaffected by the sound and the deafness lasts 1 minute.
If an attack with the weapon misses the target but was enough to make a touch attack, the weapon strikes the creature with sufficient force to activate the deafening clang.


Description and script: Clarify affected races and add Ooze to not affected.

Drown is pretty crazy. The actual spell in PnP is instant suffocation (instant go to 0HP!) which is crazier still.

Compared to Slay Living and the like though about the same (save or die, in this case save or nearly die).

Might also add some appearances that are unaffected.


Clarified description a little on what entangle does.

The famous entangle! Some engine fixes has solved the lack of AC. The other issue though is it affects the AI negatively - it interrupts their spellcasting (even if they're standing still). Might need to solve this - possibly script around it:

  • EffectRunScript which is "Entangle" (via EffectIcon). It'll activate if the creature is moving, or it'll activate at the start of the next OnCombatRoundEnd in the AI script

Keeping the low duration, the 1 turn/level of the 3.0E is crazy powerful in NWN's environments.

Evil Blight


Unused by any spellbook and is basically Mass Bestow Curse sorta. To be honest it'd be more fun to reuse the icon for Bestow Curse, Greater, a high level spell with bigger curse penalties.

Might put back as a mass curse that just applies the base Bestow Curse in an area but mmm.

Does have a spell scroll I guess it'll just not have a property so be valueless.

Expeditious Retreat

Updated to 1 minute/level. Made it a double increase in speed (+100%). Have script to check if haste items or haste spell is applied and if so remove.

The 3E spell doubles speed for 1 minute/level instead of the Bioware 1 round/level.

Alongside not applying if Haste is present, due to item haste we will have this check for haste-equipped items every 3 seconds and remove it then too.

Flesh to Stone

Clarified that it won't affect certain creatures

The Bioware "You have 1 round/level on Normal or below / it's gone when you rest" makes sense. It's not fully "to the spell" but I think makes it more workable. Especially if you stone a guy, and need items off them! Lot less broken modules that way!

Other ways to remove might be a good idea, two come to mind, the ultimate cure-all Greater Restoration or the spell Break Enchantment which should be added anyway (to break some spells).

Bull's Strength

Greater Bull's Strength

Cat's Grace

Greater Cat's Grace

Eagle's Splendor

Greater Eagle's Splendor


Greater Endurance

Fox's Cunning

Greater Fox's Cunning

Owl's Wisdom

Greater Owl's Wisdom

Owl's Insight

Bull's Strength: Counterspell: Ray of Enfeeblement

Greater versions: No changes yet. May add back into spellbooks.

Owl's Insight: Corrected innate level in description.

Greater versions:

Not in any class spellbook not sure why but it hasn't got a standard description.

Seems sensible enough but maybe was intended to be item only.

3.5E has the same spells as Sor/Wiz 5, Drd 5 (and a flat +1 / 2 caster levels bonus). Might be upped to a level 6 spell on both due to the innate level here. Need to think about it.

Greater Sanctuary

Description and script: Lasts up to 1 round per 4 caster levels.

I hate this spell. Players hate creatures that use this spell. It makes things so boring especially since the engine doesn't really work correctly regarding it since True Seeing can't actually let you attack them under it. Yes AOE spells work but come on...

Basically then:

  • Lower the duration (this seems sensible regardless!) going for a big nerf here to begin with.
  • Wait for engine fixes

Description: Clarified interaction with Slow.

Script: Remove Expeditious Retreat.

Haste is powerful but fine. 3.0E is being kept so 2 spells. It's a true DND spell and certainly speeds up the game (especially singleplayer) as a fighter and very much as a mage.

More to the point need to think about movement speed. We might be upping everyone to have up to 300% speed limit akin to the monk. But we don't necessarily want everyone to easily get 300% speed. In fact spells like Haste remove some existing speed bonus spells!

There are a few ways to do this;

  • We note which spells are meant to boost speed and which of those can overlap and which shouldn't
  • The overlapping ones leave - just apply them!
  • The non-overlapping ones can be run through with EffectRunScript and EffectIcon, to be "inert" then add a movement speed bonus of the appropriate amount as effects are added and removed.
    • We can also make Haste apply no bonus movement speed and apply that separately.

The reason we want to allow 300% but not always implement movement speeds of over 150% is that then it works well with bonuses built into classes - primarily Barbarian and Monk.

There may also be spells we want to be at 200% speed or higher, or overlap.

Hell Inferno

Creature Power not sure if used, might replace as a monster power that uses HD and drops spell resistance. Or just disable.


Description and script: "Against creatures lacking flammable flesh, hair, clothing, and items, the spell has no effect" sort of thing. See other spells that don't affect elementals explicitly.

As per notes leave out "putting out" for now.

This is an odd one. It is actually reasonably to the rules but you can just extinguish the flames since it is normal fire.

Bioware's version is slightly better - no way to put it out, simply 1 round = 2d6 fire damage, for up to Caster Level rounds. So at level 20 it's potentially 40d6 damage to a single target.

It is a level 5 spell though and fire is the most resisted damage.

It does need this adding: "Against creatures lacking flammable flesh, hair, clothing, and items, the spell has no effect." so no affecting ghosts or golems or elementals...seems fair due to the other spells like this.


"After the first round, the target can take a full-round action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking additional damage.

It takes a successful Reflex saving throw (DC 15) to extinguish the flames.

Rolling on the ground allows the character a +2 bonus.

Leaping into a lake or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the flames."

We can certainly make certain spells cancel the flames. A water douse spell would help against this, and Combust. Control Water maybe but that's a high level spell without any real utility in NWN.

Keen Edge

Description: Minor clarification on targeting and damage types applied to now piercing and slashing.

Upgraded to be slashing or piercing since 3.0E has "The spell can be cast only on piercing or slashing weapons."


Metamagic changed to Quicken/Silent instead of Quicken/Still

Description and script: Updated to be single target. No caster level limit yet.

No somatic component only verbal so this makes more sense.

Need to rethink this spell. Possibly affect a certain DC only based on caster level, and only one object.

Magic VestmentDescription: Clarified targeting of other creatures items.

Magic Weapon

Greater Magic Weapon

Description: Clarified targeting of other creatures items.Do we want to affect ammo? Or ranged weapons? (if we extend the item properties to the ranged weapons).Mass Haste

Spell school Enchantment → Transmutation

Noted Haste specifics in description and the limit of 1/caster level.

Moved to Transmutation not sure why it was in Enchantment which already has lots of good (albeit disabling) spells.Mordenkainen's Sword

The creature blueprint needs some fixes - or at least the immunities on the hide of the creature, which point to invalid spells.

We have two options: keep as-is as a construct summon, or like Persistent Dagger and Black Blade of Disaster make it a invisible human appearance. The spell apparently isn't in 3E proper, only 3.5E, as something different.

Nature's Balance

Description: added duration, updated to say it won't heal undead or constructs.

Script: Fix healing undead and constructs (ala Cure spells).

Added Metamagic: Extend.

Corrected spell targeting.

The real spell is a rather boring level 4 moving 1d4+1 of your ability scores to someone else. Great for PnP "you take some of my intelligence Wizard" to buff beyond the usual ability buff spells but is pretty naff.

This level 8 version is much better; removal of spell resistance sometimes matters, and the healing is a nice little bonus. I'm going to leave as-is.

One with the Land

Description: Removed word "competence" since it's just another bonus.

Polymorph Self

Innate spell level of subspells 3 → 4

Subspells added relevant metamagic (just in case we need a reference for it)

Could do with some more polymorph shapes for variety, plus fixes to them as needed.Quillfire

Description: Noted poison DC

Need custom poison DCs for this to be more effective as it levels.Shapechange

Corrected subspells to match parent spell (Concentration, metamagic, components)

Mainly need to review the polymorphs and maybe add some.Slow

Description: Corrected what slow does and how it interacts with Haste.

Corrected description - slow actually sets your base attacks to 1! This is...quite a lot more powerful than I thought.

Spike Growth

Description and script: Clarify what happens, cure wounds can clear and need legs.

Script needs to not apply on enter AND next round.

Some issues:

  • Not removed by a Cure spell (as per the original spell description) although we can't have healing kits remove it sadly
  • Repeated saving throws for the movement speed decrease
  • 24 hour duration for the movement speed decrease
  • Affects creatures without legs

Maybe we reduce the duration and only do one save on enter?

Stone Bones

Description and script: Added corporeal requirement. Need some bones to stone!

Stone to FleshMetamagic: Remove extendNot needed metamagicTenser's Transformation

Description and script: Updated to SRD version. Can use spell failure + effect bonus feat now. Can put on temporary HP separately and a RunScript to remove it if the spell is dispelled.

Added spell hook to catch item usage and spell failure 100% for that part.

This needs the overhaul with new effects we have. SRD Transformation spell used as basis.

The character gains 1d6 temporary hit points per caster level, a +4 natural armor bonus to AC, a +2d4 Strength enhancement bonus, a +2d4 Dexterity enhancement bonus, a +1 base attack bonus per two caster levels (which may give the character an extra attack), a +5 competence bonus on Fortitude saves, and proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. The character attacks opponents with melee or ranged weapons if the character can, even resorting to unarmed attacks if that's all the character can do.

The character can't cast spells, even from magic items.


We might want to also make it so there is only ever 1 extra attack granted, not potentially several, or we use SetBaseAttackBonus to set the number of attacks.


3.5E for comparison; it basically standardises the bonus stats and adds bonus constitution. I kind of like this version a bit better since it makes you a bit tankier.

You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, a +4 natural armor bonus to AC, a +5 competence bonus on Fortitude saves, and proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. Your base attack bonus equals your character level (which may give you multiple attacks).

Time StopNo real changes yet but ideas to the right.

The classic! There are two options here:

  • Simply leave as-is. Simpler and we can surprise players with some enemies having time stop immunity ala BG2.
  • Make it a buff-only spell, that fires off a number (say up to 5) buffs instantly as if they had paused time. These can even be setup in advance/sorted on a NUI panel.

Could make it a subspell for the options involved.

Example description:

Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 9
Innate Level: 9
School: Transmutation
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Caster
Duration: Instant
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

The caster is able to defy the sands of time and is able to cast 5 defensive spells instantly they currently have memorised. If a spell of a particular type (such as Stoneskin) it will not be cast again. The order of defences are as determined by the caster, but if no preferences are set it will automatically try and do these spells:

  • Epic defensive spells
  • Haste spells
  • Spell Mantle spells
  • Stoneskin spells
  • Endure Element spells
  • Visage spells
  • Globe spells
  • Damage Shield spells
  • Invisibility spells
  • AC increasing spells
  • Save increasing spells

Note that no metamagic such as Extend will be applied to these spells.

VirtueScript: Made it so it can stack, it's a cantrip. Updated spell casting visuals/sounds.1 HP? Meh. At least let it stack!
Overhaul Updated Spells - Neverwinter Nights Overhaul Project (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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