TALES OF AVA KNIGHT novel by Hazel's Pen PDF Read Online - MoboReader (2024)

"So who did you see" She asked.

"I saw Shane Dawson this morning while I was coming. I was like 'what is he doing in this environment'"

Ava furrowed her brows as she shakes her head greatly trying to remember who bears Shane but couldn't.

"Who is Shane?" She asked.

"You don't know him!!!" Savage widened her eyes and she shook her head.

Savage hit her slightly "He is the Top billionaire here in California"

"Oh!!!!, The one you told me that day.....your crush" Ava asked.

"Yes!! Yes" Savage nodded.

"Hey two gossipers, Boss wants you two in his office" Nicole, their other colleague muttered and they rolled their eyes funningly.

"Stop behaving as if you don't talk" Savage muttered and left with Ava.

Instantly, Someone entered the clubhouse gaining attention from others as their eyes widened in disbelief.

👥 Omg!! He is so handsome

👥 That's the billionaire. What is he doing in a place like this

The figure cared less as he took an order from Nicole moving towards a room with the drink in his hands.

Minutes Later, Savage and Ava came out of the office smiles on their face as they went back to the counter.

Nicole came to them immediately "Room 17 needs a drink, savage you should go. You have been idle" Their colleague Felix said.

"Oh c'mon, I've been busy here too" she complained.

"Doing what, exactly" Felix asked and she made stern face.

"Which drink" Ava asked.


"I need to use the restroom, Ava please go for me" she pleaded rubbing her hands together.

"Ok, sure" Ava smiled as Savage left.

She picked a bottle of Whiskey from the counter and glass cup placing them on a tray.

She let out a sigh as she is tired and walked towards the room.

She entered the particular room only to find it dark not even a thing could be seen.

"Hello.....is anyone here" she muttered hoping someone could reply.

"Hello!!!!" She said again as her voice echoed all over the room walls.

She felt insecure as she turned to go out when an hand gripped her shoulders tight making her gasped.

The tray in her hands fell and shattered into pieces making the content pour on the floor. The broken glasses tore her skin as it pierced into her legs making her wince in pain.

"You'll pay for playing with my feelings Stella" a hoarse voice came as fear gripped her.

She could sense the smell of Alcohol in his breath and she realized that he was drunk.

She is not Stella? He is mistaking her for someone else??

"But sir, I'm not Stella....... please let me go" She pleaded trying to move away from his grip but he is too strong.

"You won't go anywhere Stella, I'll torture you........make you feel all the pains you caused me.....all these years" He growled pushing her towards the bed.

"Ahhhh" she screamed as she could sense his presence coming closer.

What does he want to do?

"I'm not really Stella, Please.....let....me...go" She pleaded but it went on deaf ears.

She tried to get up but he forcefully pinned her back as he began to tear off her uniform.

"Nooooo" she screamed struggling to push him away but he didn't bulge as he made her naked right in front of him.

She parted her mouth to talk but couldn't as he pushed his full length inside her without mercy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" She screamed, her voice echoing all over the room.


Ava suddenly woke up from her dream, sweat covered her face as her hair was scattered all over it. That day soon became the darkest trauma in her life, the day she lost the most precious thing she has been keeping, her virginity.

She couldn't bring her mind to tell father about the incident not even her stepmother.

She checked the time and saw it was still late 2AM. Her heart was still racing rapidly as she rested her back on the bed. She couldn't sleep as she stayed awake all night.


Ava walked down the stairs some little bug appearing under her eyes because she didn't close her eyes not even a wink.

She felt her hope slipping away as she tripped a little almost falling off the stairs.

"Be gentle, Ava" she heard her father's Voice. Her mind started reeling with thought. She needs to tell her father about the incident but she couldn't bring up her mind to say it as she was shattered to pieces.

She walked down to the dining to meet her father, her stepmother and her step sister in the dining eating.

Her family is really complicated, immediately her mother died, her father married Janet. They were not rich but they are comfortable.

"Ava, come sit here" Her father, Mr. Knight gestured for her to sit beside his.

She took the seat without saying a word as she felt broken inside her.

Her stepmother, Janet Scoffed on seeing her as she faced her meal. It obvious she never liked Ava because she is getting more attention from her father.

Ava soon felt dizzy as she held her head shaking it, suddenly she fell on the floor unconsciously.

"Ava!!!!" Mr. Knight exclaimed as he bent over.

He noticed her breathing pulse is slow and he carried her up.

"Get me my keys Janet!!" He said, his voice full of worries as he took Ava out.


Mr. Knights eyes widened on hearing the last thing he never expected, Janet too wasn't left out.

"What!!!!, Pregnant. How can she be pregnant" Mr knight asked.

"That what the test shows, Mr. Knight" The Doctor replied.

"That impossible, my daughter isn't wayward" Mr. Knight said, his voice rising.

"Calm down Mr. Knight, if you don't believe me you can go to other hospitals to confirm" The doctor assured him of getting the same answer.

Mr. Knight was speechless as he held his jaw.

"Honey, I've told you earlier but you didn't believe. Fiona said she saw her enter a hotel with a man, what do you think it is?" Janet muttered making Mr. Knight gazed at her.

He doesn't want to believe but what Janet just said is giving him doubt. Fiona had once told him she saw Ava but he shrugged it off, now she is pregnant.

Does that mean.....?

"Well, I'm outta here. If you like don't believe me, you just saw the true colours of who your favorite daughter is" Janet said taking her bags before leaving the office.

If anyone tells him she is pregnant without evidence, he wouldn't believe. But one is in his hands glaring at him.


Her families are not that rich but they are comfortable.

Ava walked into the house slowly, she has been bursted. She wanted to go in when Fiona, her stepsister stopped her.

"Where do you think you are going" She asked, Ava saw her with a bag meaning they want to send her out.

"You don't have a place here anymore in this house, Leave and go give that bastard to who owns it" Janet threw the bags at her as it hit her head furiously.

Her father was just sitting without saying a word, Ava expected him to say something but he was quiet. Mr. Knight stood up and walked away.

"Dad!!!" Ava called.

"Don't call me" he snapped.

"I can explain Dad, I was rape......."

"What do you mean by you were raped, do you want to use some silly excuse to rescue yourself. Hell Noooo, you liar" Janet spat cutting her off.

"I swear I'm not lying, I just can't bring myself to say it..." She replied as Mr. Knights walked away.

"Dad!!!!, Dad!!!!!" She screamed after him but he didn't turn back not even once leaving her with her step families.

"You can see that your favorite dad does not believe you" Janet muttered smirking.

"You don't have to deny, I saw you with a guy in an hotel last month" Fiona said making her eyes widened.

Such never happened, She has never gone with someone to an hotel??

"I swear mum, it....."

"I'm not your mum you bitch, get out..."

"Dad!!!!!" Ava screamed as Janet and Fiona pushed her out throwing her bags with her. Ava sat down dejectedly crying profusely as she held her bags.

She waited for an hour maybe her father would come down but he didn't as all her hope was lost. She went out as she wondered in the street lost.

The cloud thundered and she jolted out of her thought meaning rain would fall soon. The tears in her eyes didn't stop as more kept coming.

Soon, rain began to fall as people ran to find a safe place to hide away from the rain but she didn't bulge as she kept walking down the rain.

She wondered slowly to the street as the rain kept getting more heavier, her tears didn't stop as it was being washed down by the rain repeatedly.

Suddenly, a light came from afar but she didn't notice as she was lost. Unknowingly, a car appeared blaring the horn as she jolted out of her thought which almost made her heart rip out of her chest.

The car hit her as it stopped and she flew to the other side of the street falling on the bare floor unconsciously as blood dripped from her body, the rain falling heavily on her.

The owner of the car didn't bother to wait as it drove off speedily.




A sleek of cars rode into the magnificent company earning attention from the people around.

A particular latest SUV rode in also making the females around to adjust their dresses.

The chauffeur quickly came out of the car rushing to the back seat and opened the door.

A pair of black polished shoes stepped out and the owner came out fully revealing the hottest and richest billionaire in California.


Shane Dawson is the top billionaire in the whole of California. He was the epitome of power and wealth with branches of his company spanning all over the globe. Also an Actor, he is the face of California making him a household name. Women swooned over him but he cared less.

He has everything that every ladies wanted, from his dark silk hair, to his hazel eyes hidden behind shades down to his pointed nose and to his full round pink wet lips.

His was perfectly created as he stood out in front of his company with his shades on. His suit screams of luxury as everyone wished to be in his shoes.

His Secretary came towards him immediately as they walked into the company.

Staffs greeted him from each sides as he entered but he just gave a simple nods as they got back to work.

"What are my schedules for today, Alicia" He asked his secretary.

"Sir, I've mailed it to you last night" She replied.

"I didn't see it, Read it out!!" He demanded as they rode the elevator to the top floor.

"Ok sir, by 10AM, you have a shoot with Mitchelle Thompson, By 1PM, you have a meeting with the investors and by 4PM, you have a photo shoot with the same Mitchelle Thompson" She said and he let out a loud sigh.

"Is that all"

"No sir, by 6, you have an hangout with your friends in the personal joint"

Soon, they reached the top floor as Shane walked into his office removing his jacket before placing it on the hanger before him.

Alicia couldn't help but stare at him, he was too perfect??

"Get me a cup of coffee" He demanded bringing her out of her imagination and she nodded.

"Ok sir" she muttered and left the office.


A four year old two kids were seen running around the sitting room as Ava sets the dining table for Dinner.

"What are you two doing!!!" Ava exclaimed but they didn't respond as they keep chasing each other.

"Kyle!!!! Kayla!!!!" Ava screamed and they stopped, frustration in her voice.


"Why are you two chasing each other, why here??" Ava asked.

"No mum, Kyle started it. He took my doll and hid it where I can't find it" Kayla explained in her cute but tiny voice almost crying and she faced Kyle.

"Where is her doll Kyle? Why did you take it??" Ava asked and he pouted.

"She took my doll too" he said, his mouth forcing a pout.

"The two of you should get those doll out now!!!" Ava demanded and they ran to bring it out from where they hid it.

Ava collected the barbie and fox doll from them immediately.

"You two won't be using this doll for a week" she proclaim and their lips parted immediately as they started crying.

"Mum please, we won't do it again!" Kyle said and Kayla nodded in affirmation. Ava bent to their height immediately.

"Fine, I'll give you but promise me you won't fight each other again" She said and they nodded as they brought out their little pinky finger.

"We promise" they said as they exchanged promise with Ava and she smiled.

"Now take!!" She muttered giving them back their dolls and they hugged her.

She hugged them back closer to herself as her mind lingered on her past.

She bit her Lips as she pulled her kids closer, they are her happiness. The reason she is still smiling in the dark world she is living.

Instantly she broke the hug and someone entered, the kids turned to the door to see a familiar face.

"Aunt Maggie!!!!" They exclaimed as they rushed to her. Aunt Maggie bent to their size and hugged them both.

"Kids, I've missed you." She muttered patting their hair.

"We miss you too, Aunt Maggie" they smiled as they broke the hug.

"Babies, I brought something for ya" sh winked and they squealed.

Ava watched as they jumped all over Maggie, a sly smile on her face.

Maggie brought out a pizza box and they squealed more. "It pizza" Kyla screamed.

"Oh!, I love pizza's" Kayla added as Maggie stood, her eyes meeting with Ava in front of her.

She widened her arms for her to come closer and Ava didn't hesitate before going into her arms.

Aunt Maggie was the only one she has, the one who rescued her the time she needed help the most. She took care of Ava till she gave birth to her twin kids.

She doesn't have any family but she took Ava and her kids as her family, she is also a little investor who works in San Francisco and comes back to Los Angeles when opportuned.

Aunt Maggie patted her slowly and soon broke it.

"How have you been Dear?" She asked.

"It troubling and exciting with my kids around me" she replied.

"I brought a pizza, would you like some" She asked.

"Maybe we should eat that tomorrow, I already prepared dinner" Ava said and the twins smile fell.

"Why??" They chorused.

"Let them eat the pizza tonight, I would have called but my phone is switched off" Maggie said and Ava nodded letting out a simple smile.


They all went to the dining and took a seat, Aunt Maggie gave the twins a little piece of the pizza as their mouth watered immediately, they started digging immediately but Ava stopped them.

"Stop eating Kids" Ava declared and they stopped as the pizza were filled in their mouth.

"Don't you have table manners, don't rush. Eat slowly" Ava muttered and they lowered their pace.

"You don't have to be harsh on them Ava!!" Aunt Maggie said.

"Why won't i, they won't learn" She protested.

"Let just continue eating babies. Don't rush, it could make you choke" Aunt Maggie patted their hair.

"Thank you Aunt Maggie, you are so nice but mum is too strict..." Kyle said making Ava turn her gaze to him

"Yes, she seized our doll earlier" Kayla added

"I'm sure you two did something but she is doing what the best for you, okay" Aunt Maggie said and they nodded.

"So, how long will you be staying here" Ava asked.

"I'll be here for a month....I want to spend time with my babies before I go back to San Francisco" she replied making the kids eyes gleam.


"Table Manners kids.." Ava said and they continued eating in silence.

"Leave them alone, Ava. They've missed me, right kids??" She turned to them.

"Yes, we've missed you. Aunt Maggie" They chorused in their babyish voices and she chuckled.







Oh my Ava 😭😭😭, she suffered!!!!!


TALES OF AVA KNIGHT  novel by Hazel's Pen PDF Read Online - MoboReader (2024)


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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.