The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (2024)

Player Character🔹 The Red Mantle Character Sheet Character Page

My Justice Will Get Stronger!

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (1)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (2)


Post by Sayva on Jan 24, 2019 2:02:13 GMT -5

With his new costume curated and finally manufactured it was time to re-acclimate to being the hero that he once was. Having had his confidence and sense of justice revitalized by his student, Pon, the caped crusader had a responsibility to find himself once more. It had been nearly half a decade since he took to the skies as The Great Sayva, and in all truth the reality of it felt foreign. The feeling wasn’t the same as he remembered, but he was young and untested then, the perils of what his justice was up against hadn’t yet become a reality. To match both his new atheistic and perspective, he would need to rediscover who he was as a hero.

“I have to go back to where it ended, in order to know how best to move forward. I have to go back to Central City.” He stated between his ears as the notion sent post traumatic chills down his spine. Sayva had not been back to the now half-ruined city since it had been destroyed. It was there where he fought to save the city and failed, nearly being killed by the conniving frost demon Lord Glacio in the process. It was the event that shook him to his core and caused him to relinquish his mantle of justice, creating a sense of unworthiness that had since plagued him up until now. Today would be the last day he would hide behind his identity as Mr. S, The New Crane School instructor, and reclaim his mantle as a hero of Earth.

His crimson cape flapped erratically through the wind as he flew overhead, taking in the reminiscent beauty of the half of Central City that was still in tact. However, as he approached the opposite end of the city, the deep crater that signified ground zero was surrounded in rubble and ruins. It was in this area that he once fell, but would soon rise from again. It would have been a lie to say that being back at the site didn’t cause a few butterflies in his stomach, but his bravery would have to prevail for the sake of conquering the nightmares of his past. Sayva would descend gracefully from the sky and land upon the upward edge of a collapsed skyscraper with his arms folded and a determination of personal intent in his fiery amber eyes.

“I can do this…”

Lilith Nevermore

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (3)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 24, 2019 2:02:13 GMT -5

Alt Character🔸 Character Sheet Character Page

I'm no ordinary witch.

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (4)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (5)

Lilith Nevermore

Post by Lilith Nevermore on Jan 24, 2019 6:02:37 GMT -5

In many ways, Central City could be considered a symbol. Despite being horribly ravaged by Lord Glacio, the city still stood as a monument to bravery and perseverance. Hopeful souls sought to rebuild the ruined districts, to restore them to even greater glory. Unfortunately huge messes tended to attract co*ckroaches. Looters, robbers and other cruel opportunists were drawn to the abandoned shops and empty homes. Every day they fought violently over whatever scraps they could find. The police couldn’t even hope to flush them all out, not without help.

One such opportunist wasn’t interested in food or money, however. A frail and feminine silhouette calmly strolled along one of the many quiet streets. Her long robes were dark like the midnight sky and oddly enough seemed to glimmer with tiny stars. Though maybe it was just a trick of the light... A pointy and wide-brimmed hat cast a shadow over her pale features. Mauve hair cascaded down her back. Crimson eyes swept the surroundings keenly. As the final proof, a strange wand hung from the sash at her hip. A witch she was without a doubt, but she seemed bit too young and fair to be called wicked. Appearances just happened to be deceiving.

Lilith stopped to study a large parchment, a hand-drawn map at a closer glance. Her inquisitive stare shifted onto the surrounding street. Hm, yes, it should be around here somewhere... She was looking for a quaint little occult shop that had been at this corner before the incident. If some artifacts or tomes had survived the calamity -which was more than likely- she would gladly give them a new home. She simply had to find where exactly the main building had toppled... Then carefully search through the ruins...

Unfortunately the little lady’s pondering was cut short by a disgusting snort. She turned her head ever so slightly to find a bunch of peasants looming behind her. They barked something inconsequential about their turf, cut of the loot and so forth... Honestly, she wasn’t listening. While the biggest brute still yammered on, the girl reached for her wand and uttered a frigid incantation.

"I call forth the wrath of winter..." Her power spiked several hundred times above an average mortal. Few seconds later, a blue flash of malicious magic erupted from the street. In the place of the mouthy looters, there was now a group of particularly lifelike ice statues. Lowering the wand, the witch returned to her search.


SPOILER: Click to show

Attack 1: Lilith 60 Def vs Opponent (Acc) = Result
Attack 2: Lilith 60 Def vs Opponent (Acc) = Result
Total damage dealt = -


At-Will: Annoyed | PL suppressed to 1000
Bonus Action: -

Standard Action 1: -
Standard Action 2: -

Annoyed | PL suppressed to 1000

PREPARED: +1 gear slot
ADEPT: Passive. +1 use of all gear equipped at the beginning of battle.
CLEVERNESS: Passive. +15% inflict chance on all status effects from any source.
VITRIOL: Passive. Inflict extra stack of non-special status effects.
INFUSE: Passive. 30% Burn chance with Basic Atks.
BLITZ: At-will. Make 2 Basic Atks during one Standard Action on turn.
TALENTED: At-will. Gain extra use of one Def or Util tech you know. 1 use.
SUPER ELITE UNIFORM: At-will. Choose one at turn end +10 def/negate 2 dmg or +10acc/+1 dmg tier w/ all atks.
SIPHONERS: At-will. Two Basic Attacks steal 5 ki on hit and restore it to you on next turn.
CURSED TOME: Bonus Action. Inflict status or special status back on foe. 3 uses.
DESTRON GAS: Bonus Action. 30% base chance to Stun, Freeze and Poison. Rolled separately. If any status effect succeeds, target loses -15% base PL for the rest of the battle. Can lose PL only once. 3 uses.
DEMON RING: At-will. Deal 2 direct dmg per unique status effect foe had during their previous turn. 4 uses.
WAR CRUISER: At-will. Deal 3d4 direct dmg to all foes. 1 use.
MAGIC MATERIALIZATION: Bonus Action. Create an item to go into a gear slot. Replaces item. 1 use. -10 ki
PAPARAPAPA: Bonus Action. Summon sidekick that deals 1d6 dmg as at-will action. Rolling 1-2 on die leaves sidekick unable to attack. Can sacrifice at-will to negate 5 dmg from an attack. 1 summon per battle. -20 ki
PSYCHIC POWERS: Standard Action. Make a Basic Attack with +10 Acc but with 1 rank lower dmg die.
DIVINATION: Bonus Action. Gain +15 Defense for 3 turns. 1 use. -10 ki
SOLAR FLARE: Bonus Action. 60% chance to Blind. Target takes 2 stacks and d6 direct dmg as well. 2 uses. -5 ki
AFTER IMAGE: Bonus Action. Avoid two attacks that would have hit. 1 use -10 ki
AURA GUARD: At-will. Immune to non-special status effects and negates critical hit bonus dmg. 2 uses. -5 ki
HYPNOSIS: 70% chance to inflict special Enthralled status. 2 uses. -5 ki
ENERGY CONSTRUCTS: Bonus Action create 8 constructs. Can use constructs at-will to add a d4 to basic attack or to negate up to 8 damage from an attack. 1 use. -10 ki
HEX: Single, Versatile, Cripple, -5 ki

PL: 1000 (39,848)
HP: 50/50 | KI: 100/100 | DEF: 60 | ACC: 40 | DMG DIE: d12


The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 24, 2019 6:02:37 GMT -5

Player Character🔹 The Red Mantle Character Sheet Character Page

My Justice Will Get Stronger!

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (6)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (7)


Post by Sayva on Jan 25, 2019 3:14:01 GMT -5

After his verbal statement of personal encouragement he remained stationary as opposed to pressing forward like he had intended. It felt like hesitation but the caped crusader knew better. It was fear. Although he’d taken great strides in donning his costume and even returning to the site of his greatest despair once again, it still wasn’t enough. The time for partial triumphs had long since passed and he needed to see things through. His fear, although traumatic and rationally understandable, still somehow felt illogical. He was much stronger and much more experienced than he was all those years ago, if anything he might even be stronger than the version of Lord Glacio that still haunted his mind to the present day.

“Then why!? Why am I still hindered!?” He exclaimed in though as he balled his red gloved fists in frustration, but before he could dive any deeper into the issues of his subconscious, a large spike in power snatched his attention. The upsurge was followed by a flash of bright blue light less than half a nautical league from his position. Like a bad habit his personal inhibitions were dropped and his instincts took over. Like a call and response the nature of his heroism whisked him forth, moving his legs on its own accord and charging him straight toward potential danger.

To Sayva it was a mindless act as he didn’t recall thinking at all, and in fact, wondered in half amazement how he’d even arrived to the scene. It was hard to tell what exactly to make of his findings as a pale seemingly witch like girl had lowered a wand in the direction of a random set of life like ice statues. It didn’t take much deduction between the natural non arctic climate of the area and the above average power level of the mauve haired woman that she more than likely had a hand in what had just transpired. Dropping from the sky the red mantle would land heel to butt just a few yards in front of the black robed witch before slowly rising up to his full height.

“Miss is there trouble afoot!? If so, you need not worry, because The Great Sayva is here!” He exclaimed in his deep tone of cliche heroism, blowing back his red cape with a wide and dramatic splay of his arms.

WC: 395

Total: 798


SPOILER: Click to show

Attack 1:
Attack 2:
Total damage dealt = -


Bonus Action: -

Standard Action 1: -
Standard Action 2: -


MOXY: Passive. +5 Fighting
GUILE: At-will. Add second major effect onto one super attack.
BOUNDLESS: Passive. Gain +10% PL each turn in battle. Max of 50%.
ASSAULT: At-will. Roll better of two d100s for Sup Attacks on turn. 2 uses.
RAMPAGE: At-will. Add dmg die to attacks 2d4 to Supers and 1d4 to Basics. 3 uses.
RUSH: At-will. One single-type Sup Atk deals direct dmg equal to lowest die rolled and inflicts successful status.

MARTIAL ARTS GI: At-will. Add +15 accuracy and +1 dmg tier to two attacks.
HEADBAND Passive. Basic attack hits give Focus stacks. 4 stacks of Focus lets you Condense at-will. Max 4 at time.
PRAYER BEADS: At-will. Base PL +25% and regain 3 ki for 4 turns. 1 use.

CLASH: Standard Action. Take half damage from Sup Atk and deal the other half back to attacker. 1 use. 15 Ki.
DEFLECT: Bonus Action. Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn. 2 uses. 20 Ki.
ABSORB: At-Will Action. Each point of damage you take during your turn after negations lets you regain 2 Ki. Can use until 40 Ki absorbed.

THEMIS THUNDER: Single, Slashing, Immobilize, -5 ki

PL: 47,200
HP: 50/50 | KI: 100/100 | DEF:50 | ACC: 35 | DMG DIE: d12+2

Lilith Nevermore

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (8)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 25, 2019 3:14:01 GMT -5 Edited by Sayva Jan 25, 2019 3:14:45 GMT -5

Alt Character🔸 Character Sheet Character Page

I'm no ordinary witch.

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (9)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (10)

Lilith Nevermore

Post by Lilith Nevermore on Jan 25, 2019 6:00:52 GMT -5

All too soon another interruption tested Lilith’s patience. She lifted her eyes from the map to witness perhaps the strangest sight in a good while. Some manner of costumed jester was posing in front of her. She could only give him a flat, mildly baffled stare. As the bombastic intro ended, only the awkward whistling of the wind remained. Uh... Sayva, was it? Well, at least he had the manners to introduce himself. She just wasn’t sure what was supposed to be so great about him... Tch, perhaps he felt marginally stronger than the other rats scurrying about. Nothing more.

Faking a gentle, disarming smile, the young lady rolled up the map and clasped her hands together.

"Ah, thank goodness you’re here." It was a mask she had worn often, mushy mannerisms meant to charm naive fools. Hid the sarcasm well. "I am Lady Lilith Nevermore and my trouble..." Though her tone remained sweet as honey, her words slowly turned toxic. " a caped creep bothering me and prying into matters that don’t concern him." She had no patience for any so-called heroes. They were all self-righteous hypocrites in her eyes, the most irritating type of fools.

Suddenly the witch aimed her wand at the nosy hero. Her feigned smile and sweetness faded away.

"So would you kindly keep quiet and die?" The arcane aura flared around her in twisted wisps of violet, revealing her true colors. With her magic already attuned, there was no need for a long incantation. Two cold words were enough. "Frost Hex." A blue bolt shot forth, carrying an arctic gust. It painted a layer of ice over anything it touched. If the hero got caught in it, he too might find himself joining the ranks of the frosty statues.


SPOILER: Click to show

Attack 1: Lilith 60 Def vs Opponent (Acc) = Result
Attack 2: Lilith 60 Def vs Opponent (Acc) = Result
Total damage dealt = -


At-Will: True colors revealed | PL suppression ended
Bonus Action: -

Standard Action 1: Frost Hex | -5 ki
Acc Bonus: +40 (+40 Acc) | Inflicts 2 stacks of Freeze 65%

q_LTIErA1d100+40 for atk.
2d12 for dmg.
1d100 65 or below to succeed

Standard Action 2: -


PREPARED: +1 gear slot
ADEPT: Passive. +1 use of all gear equipped at the beginning of battle.
CLEVERNESS: Passive. +15% inflict chance on all status effects from any source.
VITRIOL: Passive. Inflict extra stack of non-special status effects.
INFUSE: Passive. 30% Burn chance with Basic Atks.
BLITZ: At-will. Make 2 Basic Atks during one Standard Action on turn.
TALENTED: At-will. Gain extra use of one Def or Util tech you know. 1 use.
SUPER ELITE UNIFORM: At-will. Choose one at turn end +10 def/negate 2 dmg or +10acc/+1 dmg tier w/ all atks.
SIPHONERS: At-will. Two Basic Attacks steal 5 ki on hit and restore it to you on next turn.
CURSED TOME: Bonus Action. Inflict status or special status back on foe. 3 uses.
DESTRON GAS: Bonus Action. 30% base chance to Stun, Freeze and Poison. Rolled separately. If any status effect succeeds, target loses -15% base PL for the rest of the battle. Can lose PL only once. 3 uses.
DEMON RING: At-will. Deal 2 direct dmg per unique status effect foe had during their previous turn. 4 uses.
WAR CRUISER: At-will. Deal 3d4 direct dmg to all foes. 1 use.
MAGIC MATERIALIZATION: Bonus Action. Create an item to go into a gear slot. Replaces item. 1 use. -10 ki
PAPARAPAPA: Bonus Action. Summon sidekick that deals 1d6 dmg as at-will action. Rolling 1-2 on die leaves sidekick unable to attack. Can sacrifice at-will to negate 5 dmg from an attack. 1 summon per battle. -20 ki
PSYCHIC POWERS: Standard Action. Make a Basic Attack with +10 Acc but with 1 rank lower dmg die.
DIVINATION: Bonus Action. Gain +15 Defense for 3 turns. 1 use. -10 ki
SOLAR FLARE: Bonus Action. 60% chance to Blind. Target takes 2 stacks and d6 direct dmg as well. 2 uses. -5 ki
AFTER IMAGE: Bonus Action. Avoid two attacks that would have hit. 1 use -10 ki
AURA GUARD: At-will. Immune to non-special status effects and negates critical hit bonus dmg. 2 uses. -5 ki
HYPNOSIS: 70% chance to inflict special Enthralled status. 2 uses. -5 ki
ENERGY CONSTRUCTS: Bonus Action create 8 constructs. Can use constructs at-will to add a d4 to basic attack or to negate up to 8 damage from an attack. 1 use. -10 ki
HEX: Single, Versatile, Cripple, -5 ki

PL: 39,848
HP: 50/50 | KI: 95/100 | DEF: 60 | ACC: 40 | DMG DIE: d12



The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 25, 2019 6:00:52 GMT -5

Player Character🔹 The Red Mantle Character Sheet Character Page

My Justice Will Get Stronger!

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (11)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (12)


Post by Sayva on Jan 26, 2019 22:29:16 GMT -5

“At least my heroic voice is still in tact.” He noted in thought, rather surprised by the deep and thunderous baritone vocals he was still able to perfectly produce despite years of rust. His entrance was textbook and his execution had been flawless, and there was no way anyone could ever tell he had missed a beat. The suspicious woman met him with an unexpected smile that truly caught him off guard. It was clear what had happened to those frozen men only moments before he had arrived, he had caught the pale witch wand handed so to speak. Although he did not accuse her outright, the tension in the air was obvious, and the red mantle expected a verbal defensiveness if nothing else.

The witch who had identified herself as Lady Lilith Nevermore had begun her response from the tone of an innocent victim, clearly patronizing the caped crusader before she allowed her true colors to show. The venom that had sprung into her words did not surprise the scarlet hero as he had much experience dealing with villains, even if he had been on a long hiatus. The revealing of the woman's dark accord was more so a formality than it was a great reveal. The only thing that was of surprise was her incredible power level, which was for all intensive purposes nearly equal to his own. Before long Lilith had turned her wand towards him, and with a poetic turn of events, the blue bolt of arctic gust he came to investigate was now upon him.

“I’m afraid my justice won’t allow me to oblige your request Miss Nevermore!” Sayva replied as he performed a rather athletic barrel rolling jump, slimly avoiding the icy projectile as it exploded and froze over a pile of ruins in the distance. “That was close! I can’t afford to make any mistakes against this Nevermore lady.” He uttered between his ears as he landed in a three point stance before charging the mauve haired spell caster with an attempted swift straying uppercut, aiming to land beneath her chin and send her skyward if able. Following this, Sayva would spin on his heel and drop into a quick horse stance before slamming his knuckles together to create a heavy shockwave of ki. “Now prepare yourself! Themis Thunder!”

WC: 386

Total: 1,184


SPOILER: Click to show

Attack 1: Rapid Movement Vs. Lilith's Frost Hex (84) = Avoided
Attack 2:
Total damage dealt = 0


At-Will: Rush, Guile (Bashing), Martial Arts Gi (+15 Acc and +1 dmg tier to both attacks)
Bonus Action: Rapid Movement [-10 Ki]

Standard Action 1: Uppercut | Basic Attack | 0 Ki
To Hit:

For Damage: 1d12+3

Standard Action 2: Themis Thunder | Super Attack | -5 Ki
Slashing: Critical on 85 or higher | Bashing: Drain 5 Ki on hit

To Hit:

1d100 +50
For Damage: 2d12+6
Rush Direct Damage: 6 dmg and will inflict Immobilize if avoided

Immobilize | 50< :


Boundless: +10% PL
Headband/Focus Stacks: --

MOXY: Passive. +5 Fighting
GUILE: At-will. Add second major effect onto one super attack.
BOUNDLESS: Passive. Gain +10% PL each turn in battle. Max of 50%.
ASSAULT: At-will. Roll better of two d100s for Sup Attacks on turn. 2 uses.
RAMPAGE: At-will. Add dmg die to attacks 2d4 to Supers and 1d4 to Basics. 3 uses.
RUSH: At-will. One single-type Sup Atk deals direct dmg equal to lowest die rolled and inflicts successful status.

MARTIAL ARTS GI: At-will. Add +15 accuracy and +1 dmg tier to two attacks.
HEADBAND Passive. Basic attack hits give Focus stacks. 4 stacks of Focus lets you Condense at-will. Max 4 at time.
PRAYER BEADS: At-will. Base PL +25% and regain 3 ki for 4 turns. 1 use.

CLASH: Standard Action. Take half damage from Sup Atk and deal the other half back to attacker. 1 use. 15 Ki.
DEFLECT: Bonus Action. Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn. 2 uses. 20 Ki.
ABSORB: At-Will Action. Each point of damage you take during your turn after negations lets you regain 2 Ki. Can use until 40 Ki absorbed.

THEMIS THUNDER: Single, Slashing, Immobilize, -5 ki

PL: 51,920
HP: 50/50 | KI: 85/100 | DEF: 50 | ACC: 35 | DMG DIE: d12+2

Lilith Nevermore

1d100+50·1d12+3·1d100 +50·2d12+6·1d100

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (13)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 26, 2019 22:29:16 GMT -5 Edited by Sayva Jan 26, 2019 22:33:13 GMT -5 : Added Rush results

Alt Character🔸 Character Sheet Character Page

I'm no ordinary witch.

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (14)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (15)

Lilith Nevermore

Post by Lilith Nevermore on Jan 27, 2019 4:44:13 GMT -5

The crimson gaze narrowed as the man avoided the freezing fate. An annoyed sigh escaped the little lady’s lips. "Stubborn fool..." This was why she loathed all manner of heroic types. Always struggling against the inevitable. The imminent counterattack was treated with cold indifference. "Witch Step." Her body blurred and she moved several paces in the span of a single step. Both the punch and the shockwave were dodged with minimal effort.

Or so she thought...

Lilith gasped as a sudden jolt of pain shot through her body. H-how...? Yellow electricity crawled across her figure, leaving her sluggish. Even simplest motions took far more effort. Gritting her teeth together, she turned a hateful glare onto the hero.

"Tch... Share my suffering... Cursed Tome." On the command, a thick tome with midnight black cover manifested from nowhere. As it hovered over her shoulder, the pages fluttered open on their own. The air around the hero crackled with foul, purple energy. Her curse was unavoidable, inflicting upon him the exact same paralysis that she suffered.

The witch gathered her focus and her robes glimmered gently. Shadowy tendrils slithered at her feet. The protective enchantment awakened. If movement became an issue, she would simply compensate in other ways. As for the payback... She struggled to lift a hand towards her opponent. Fortunately her spells didn’t require much physical effort.

"Soul Siphon." The air began swirling like a translucent vortex. If the hero got caught in it, he would feel his very soul slowly burning away.


SPOILER: Click to show

Attack 1: Lilith 60 Def vs Sayva 53 = Miss!
Bonus Action 1 - Reactive:

Rapid Movement

Witch Step | Avoid attack 2 | -10 ki
Attack 2: Lilith 60 Def vs Sayva 105 = Miss! (Rapid Movement)
Rush inflicts 6 direct dmg and Immobilize anyway.
Total damage dealt = 6


Bonus Action 2: Cursed Tome | Inflict Immobilize on Sayva


Super Elite Uniform

Enchanted Robes | +10 def and negate 2 dmg from all attacks on next turn
Siphoners | Basic Attacks steal 5 ki on hit
Blitz | Make an additional Basic Attack.

Standard Action 1: Soul Siphon | Telekinetic Basic Attack
Acc Bonus: +50 (+40 Acc, +10 Psychic Powers) | Steals 5 ki on hit | Inflicts 2 stacks of Burn

mc_nwa4v1d100+50 for atk.
1d10 for dmg.
1d100 45 or below to succeed

Blitz: Soul Siphon | Telekinetic Basic Attack
Acc Bonus: +50 (+40 Acc, +10 Psychic Powers) | Steals 5 ki on hit | Inflicts 2 stacks of Burn

1d100+50 for atk.
1d10 for dmg.
1d100 45 or below to succeed

Immobilized | Defensive techniques cost +10 ki | 2 turns left

PREPARED: +1 gear slot
ADEPT: Passive. +1 use of all gear equipped at the beginning of battle.
CLEVERNESS: Passive. +15% inflict chance on all status effects from any source.
VITRIOL: Passive. Inflict extra stack of non-special status effects.
INFUSE: Passive. 30% Burn chance with Basic Atks.
BLITZ: At-will. Make 2 Basic Atks during one Standard Action on turn.
TALENTED: At-will. Gain extra use of one Def or Util tech you know. 1 use.
SUPER ELITE UNIFORM: At-will. Choose one at turn end +10 def/negate 2 dmg or +10acc/+1 dmg tier w/ all atks.
SIPHONERS: At-will. Two Basic Attacks steal 5 ki on hit and restore it to you on next turn.
CURSED TOME: Bonus Action. Inflict status or special status back on foe. 2 uses left.
DESTRON GAS: Bonus Action. 30% base chance to Stun, Freeze and Poison. Rolled separately. If any status effect succeeds, target loses -15% base PL for the rest of the battle. Can lose PL only once. 3 uses.
DEMON RING: At-will. Deal 2 direct dmg per unique status effect foe had during their previous turn. 4 uses.
WAR CRUISER: At-will. Deal 3d4 direct dmg to all foes. 1 use.
MAGIC MATERIALIZATION: Bonus Action. Create an item to go into a gear slot. Replaces item. 1 use. -10 ki
PAPARAPAPA: Bonus Action. Summon sidekick that deals 1d6 dmg as at-will action. Rolling 1-2 on die leaves sidekick unable to attack. Can sacrifice at-will to negate 5 dmg from an attack. 1 summon per battle. -20 ki
PSYCHIC POWERS: Standard Action. Make a Basic Attack with +10 Acc but with 1 rank lower dmg die.
DIVINATION: Bonus Action. Gain +15 Defense for 3 turns. 1 use. -10 ki
SOLAR FLARE: Bonus Action. 60% chance to Blind. Target takes 2 stacks and d6 direct dmg as well. 2 uses. -5 ki
AFTER IMAGE: Bonus Action. Avoid two attacks that would have hit. 1 use -10 ki
AURA GUARD: At-will. Immune to non-special status effects and negates critical hit bonus dmg. 2 uses. -5 ki
HYPNOSIS: 70% chance to inflict special Enthralled status. 2 uses. -5 ki
ENERGY CONSTRUCTS: Bonus Action create 8 constructs. Can use constructs at-will to add a d4 to basic attack or to negate up to 8 damage from an attack. 1 use. -10 ki
HEX: Single, Versatile, Cripple, -5 ki

PL: 39,848
HP: 44/50 | KI: 85/100 | DEF: 60 | ACC: 40 | DMG DIE: d12



The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 27, 2019 4:44:13 GMT -5

Player Character🔹 The Red Mantle Character Sheet Character Page

My Justice Will Get Stronger!

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (16)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (17)


Post by Sayva on Jan 27, 2019 17:42:07 GMT -5

The translucent ripple sent a roaring shockwave through the vicinity in the shape of an expanding sphere surrounded by a ring of accumulated dust and debris. Lilith had proven just as nimble as he, able to dodge his uppercut and the initial impact of the sonic boom produced from his knuckles. The ‘Witch Step’, as she had called it, caused her to vanish in a mauve/black blur and seemingly escape his counter assault. After the dust had settled the cackling of yellow electricity caused a smirk to sink into the hero’s expression as he turned and relocated his spell casting foe.

“My justice is inescapable! What you feel weighing down on you is righteousness in its purest form!” Sayva exclaimed as he pointed his red gloved index finger at Lilith with his chest barreled high. His dialogue of glory would prove to be short lived however as the enchanted woman gave him a hateful glare. Following almost immediately after, a dark tome was conjured above the woman’s shoulder seemingly out of thin air. “Cursed Tome?” The hero muttered curiously in thought as Lilith had foreshadowed its effect by stating for the masked warrior to share her suffering.

“Guaahhhh!” Sayva exclaimed as his body was instantaneously racked with the same yellow electricity he had just inflicted. The pain brought him to a knee as he became heavy and sluggish, and ultimately ripe with confusion. “How did this happen!? I didn’t see an attack, I’m sure of it!” He exclaimed in thought, trying to make sense of his sudden state. However time was not on his side, and any piecing together would have to be done at a later date. Lilith had managed to poise her hand to unleash more dark magic, agitating the air into a swirling vortex wrought with ill intent.

With a heavy labor the hero managed to pull himself up to his feet and strafe free of the soul siphoning dirt devil, but the cost to do so was almost a worst price to pay. He could feel his lungs working overtime as his well conditioned body did its best to make do with the accursed hindrance. “I must press on and fight through the fatigue! I cannot let up now!” The hero exclaimed encouragingly between his ears before jumping into the sky directly above his opponent. “I do not know what dark magic you have cast but it will not deter me! Diving Themis Thunder!” He shouted as he dive-bombed towards Lilith, attempting to land a thunderous right punch to the top of her head.

WC: 428

Total: 1,612


SPOILER: Click to show

Attack 1: Rapid Movement Vs. Lilith's Soul Siphon (101) = Avoided
Attack 2: Rapid Movement Vs. Lilith’s Soul Siphon (107) = Avoided
Total damage dealt = 0


At-Will: Assault, Rampage, Rush, Guile (Seeking), Martial Arts Gi (+15 Acc and +1 dmg tier to both attacks)
Bonus Action 1: Rapid Movement [-15 Ki]
Bonus Action 2: Rapid Movement [-15 Ki]

Standard Action: Themis Thunder | Super Attack | -5 Ki
Slashing: Critical on 85 or higher | Seeking

To Hit:

Vu5B45EP1d100 +50
Assault: 1d100 +50

For Damage:

Rampage: 2d4
Total Damage: 28

Rush Direct Damage: 2 dmg

Immobilize | 50< :

1d100 Miss!

Boundless: +10% PL
Headband/Focus Stacks: —
Immobilized: 2 Turns

MOXY: Passive. +5 Fighting
GUILE: At-will. Add second major effect onto one super attack.
BOUNDLESS: Passive. Gain +10% PL each turn in battle. Max of 50%.
ASSAULT: At-will. Roll better of two d100s for Sup Attacks on turn. 1 use remaining.
RAMPAGE: At-will. Add dmg die to attacks 2d4 to Supers and 1d4 to Basics. 2 uses remaining.
RUSH: At-will. One single-type Sup Atk deals direct dmg equal to lowest die rolled and inflicts successful status.

MARTIAL ARTS GI: At-will. Add +15 accuracy and +1 dmg tier to two attacks.
HEADBAND Passive. Basic attack hits give Focus stacks. 4 stacks of Focus lets you Condense at-will. Max 4 at time.
PRAYER BEADS: At-will. Base PL +25% and regain 3 ki for 4 turns. 1 use.

CLASH: Standard Action. Take half damage from Sup Atk and deal the other half back to attacker. 1 use. 15 Ki.
DEFLECT: Bonus Action. Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn. 2 uses. 20 Ki.
ABSORB: At-Will Action. Each point of damage you take during your turn after negations lets you regain 2 Ki. Can use until 40 Ki absorbed.

THEMIS THUNDER: Single, Slashing, Immobilize, -5 ki

PL: 57,112
HP: 50/50 | KI: 50/100 | DEF: 50 | ACC: 35 | DMG DIE: d12+2

Lilith Nevermore

1d100 +50·1d100 +50·2d12+6·2d4·1d100

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (18)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 27, 2019 17:42:07 GMT -5 Edited by Sayva Jan 27, 2019 17:46:28 GMT -5 : Added Rush results

Alt Character🔸 Character Sheet Character Page

I'm no ordinary witch.

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (19)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (20)

Lilith Nevermore

Post by Lilith Nevermore on Jan 28, 2019 4:04:45 GMT -5

Twitches of poorly contained annoyance tugged at the little lady’s cold expression. Listening to the hero spout his nonsense was a worse punishment than any pain he inflicted. While his scream was music to her ears, it unfortunately didn’t last. Seeing him escape her vortex was an unfortunate surprise. These hero types were all the same... Always struggling against the inevitable. Oh well... Sooner or later both his luck and breath would run out.

Lilith was less than amused by the retaliation attempt. The shadows beneath her robes dragged her backwards like skittering spider legs. Still he managed to swipe far too close, his punch sending a painful spray of pavement shards her way. Without the enchantment that would have been a far heavier hit. Melee distance was something she obviously wanted to avoid.

"Tch, get off me." She barely managed to point the wand upwards at his face. "Frost Hex." Another cold blast erupted from point blank. She was still aiming to freeze him solid, of course, but the main purpose was to buy some time for another spell.

The witch focused her will. Dark energies sparked from her fingertips.

"From Hell’s heart I summon thee..." With the ominous words, the sparks gathered into an infernal symbol before her. In a flash of flames a portal opened. "Come forth, bloody executioner, Crimson Queen." From the portal emerged an imposing woman. Her regal dress was decorated with hearts and splashes of blood. A bejeweled crown declared her status with its brilliant glimmer. She carried an enormous axe like it weighed nothing. Eight playing cards appeared around her, slowly floating in a circle. Her hateful gaze narrowed upon spotting the masked man. "An assassin? Foul cur! Off with your head!" Closing the distance in a single leap, she swung the sharp weapon with the intent to carry out her threat.


SPOILER: Click to show

Attack 1: Lilith 70 Def vs Sayva 66 = Miss!
Attack 2: Lilith 70 Def vs Sayva - = -
Rush inflicts 2 direct dmg.
Total damage dealt = 2



Super Elite Uniform

Enchanted Robes | +10 def and negate 2 dmg from all attacks on next turn

Standard Action 1: Frost Hex | -5 ki
Acc Bonus: +40 (+40 Acc) | Inflicts 2 stacks of Freeze 65%

wFClw_BA1d100+40 for atk.
2d12 for dmg.
1d100 65 or below to succeed - Success!

Bonus Action 1:


Infernal Summoning: Crimson Queen | Summon sidekick | -20 ki
Bonus Action 2:

Energy Constructs

Queen's Cards | Create 8 constructs | -10 ki

At-Will: Crimson Queen attacks with an axe swing.


Immobilized | Defensive techniques cost +10 ki | 1 turn left
Energy Constructs | 8 left
Portal | +1 to sidekick attack roll | 3 turns left

PREPARED: +1 gear slot
ADEPT: Passive. +1 use of all gear equipped at the beginning of battle.
CLEVERNESS: Passive. +15% inflict chance on all status effects from any source.
VITRIOL: Passive. Inflict extra stack of non-special status effects.
INFUSE: Passive. 30% Burn chance with Basic Atks.
BLITZ: At-will. Make 2 Basic Atks during one Standard Action on turn.
TALENTED: At-will. Gain extra use of one Def or Util tech you know. 1 use.
SUPER ELITE UNIFORM: At-will. Choose one at turn end +10 def/negate 2 dmg or +10acc/+1 dmg tier w/ all atks.
SIPHONERS: At-will. Two Basic Attacks steal 5 ki on hit and restore it to you on next turn.
CURSED TOME: Bonus Action. Inflict status or special status back on foe. 2 uses left.
DESTRON GAS: Bonus Action. 30% base chance to Stun, Freeze and Poison. Rolled separately. If any status effect succeeds, target loses -15% base PL for the rest of the battle. Can lose PL only once. 3 uses.
DEMON RING: At-will. Deal 2 direct dmg per unique status effect foe had during their previous turn. 4 uses.
WAR CRUISER: At-will. Deal 3d4 direct dmg to all foes. 1 use.
MAGIC MATERIALIZATION: Bonus Action. Create an item to go into a gear slot. Replaces item. 1 use. -10 ki

PAPARAPAPA: Bonus Action. Summon sidekick that deals 1d6 dmg as at-will action. Rolling 1-2 on die leaves sidekick unable to attack. Can sacrifice at-will to negate 5 dmg from an attack. 1 summon per battle. -20 ki

PSYCHIC POWERS: Standard Action. Make a Basic Attack with +10 Acc but with 1 rank lower dmg die.
DIVINATION: Bonus Action. Gain +15 Defense for 3 turns. 1 use. -10 ki
SOLAR FLARE: Bonus Action. 60% chance to Blind. Target takes 2 stacks and d6 direct dmg as well. 2 uses. -5 ki
AFTER IMAGE: Bonus Action. Avoid two attacks that would have hit. 1 use -10 ki
AURA GUARD: At-will. Immune to non-special status effects and negates critical hit bonus dmg. 2 uses. -5 ki
HYPNOSIS: 70% chance to inflict special Enthralled status. 2 uses. -5 ki

ENERGY CONSTRUCTS: Bonus Action create 8 constructs. Can use constructs at-will to add a d4 to basic attack or to negate up to 8 damage from an attack. 1 use. -10 ki

HEX: Single, Versatile, Cripple, -5 ki

PL: 39,848
HP: 42/50 | KI: 50/100 | DEF: 60 | ACC: 40 | DMG DIE: d12



The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 28, 2019 4:04:45 GMT -5 Edited by Lilith Nevermore Jan 28, 2019 4:05:42 GMT -5 : Marked status roll success.

Player Character🔹 The Red Mantle Character Sheet Character Page

My Justice Will Get Stronger!

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (21)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (22)


Post by Sayva on Jan 29, 2019 7:34:26 GMT -5

“Damn, I’m off!” He scolded to himself in thought as he aimed his punch just a few inches shy of its mark. A great and thunderous quake would stir the vicinity like the slamming foot of a trudging giant regardless, spewing sundered debris in all directions. If anything he might have grazed the witch with a few stray shards of earth, but erratic crossfire was far from what he needed. The miss strike left the hero flat footed and ultimately at the mercy of his accursed foe. “Man I’m rusty, I look like a rookie right now!” He added with a self deprecating tone as he gritted his teeth and pulled his arms into a feeble last minute cross-guard. His meager attempt to defend himself meant nothing in the wake of a point blank attack as the freezing blast engulfed him.

The red mantle would have been frozen solid had it not been for the unfortunate yet redeeming follow up strike that came from the foul blood queen who was abruptly summoned. The enormous axe bit deep into his raised forearms but managed to shatter the ice from Lilith’s Frost Hex in the process. Tumbling and skittering across the ground the masked crusader was sent back several yards before loosing enough momentum not to crash through solid rock and end his transit abruptly against the side of a ruined building. Blood leaked from his arms as his new costume was wrought with tears and singes. Still however the scarlet hero rose to his feet, albeit slowly and with heavy labor. His miss step had cost him greatly, but his will to fight was far from finished.

“Nice one villain, but justice is more than just one fell swoop! Righteousness has many forms and will always find it’s way! Returning Thunder!” Sayva exclaimed as he clinched his fists and raised both arms high above his head. The ground beneath the abyssal witch would then tremble greatly as the reflective force of his previous attack would attempt to strike upward from below, looking to blast the mauve haired spell caster into the air with a heavy sonic boom. Wasting no time in between, Sayva would fly swiftly into the sky until he loomed high above Lilith with his arms still raised above his head. “For added measure! Twin Themis!” He cried as he slammed the open palms of both his hands together, creating a rippling sonic clap of invisible force, attempting to slam the witch into the depths of the Earth.

WC: 419

Total: 2,031


SPOILER: Click to show

Attack 1: Sayva (50) Vs. Lilith's Frost Hex (89) = Hit!
Attack 2: Sayva (50) Vs. Lilith’s Crimson Queen Axe Strike (Direct) = Hit!
Total damage dealt = 25 Damage!


At-Will: Prayer Beads, Assault, Rush, Guile (Seeking), Martial Arts Gi (+15 Acc and +1 dmg tier to both attacks)

Bonus Action:
Returning Thunder (Seeking major effect from missed super attack last round)
75 or Less to Hit:

dBoaKc|A1d100 Miss!
Seeking Direct Damage: 11

Standard Action: Themis Thunder | Super Attack | -5 Ki
Slashing: Critical on 85 or higher | Seeking

To Hit:

1d100 +50
Assault: 1d100 +50

For Damage:


Rush Direct Damage: 7 Damage If Avoided

Immobilize | 50< :

1d100 Miss!

Standard Action: Themis Thunder | Super Attack | -5 Ki
Slashing: Critical on 85 or higher | Seeking

To Hit:

1d100 +50 Crit!

For Damage:


Total Damage: 13+7 (Crit) = 20 Damage

Rush Direct Damage: N/A

Immobilize | 50< :

1d100 Miss!

Boundless: +10% PL
Prayer Beads: +25% PL & + 3 Ki for 4 Turns
Headband/Focus Stacks: —
Freezing: 4 Turns
Edge 1:As a passive you gain +10 def against all the foe's attacks.

MOXY: Passive. +5 Fighting
GUILE: At-will. Add second major effect onto one super attack.
BOUNDLESS: Passive. Gain +10% PL each turn in battle. Max of 50%.

ASSAULT: At-will. Roll better of two d100s for Sup Attacks on turn. 0 use remaining.

RAMPAGE: At-will. Add dmg die to attacks 2d4 to Supers and 1d4 to Basics. 2 uses remaining.
RUSH: At-will. One single-type Sup Atk deals direct dmg equal to lowest die rolled and inflicts successful status.

MARTIAL ARTS GI: At-will. Add +15 accuracy and +1 dmg tier to two attacks.
HEADBAND Passive. Basic attack hits give Focus stacks. 4 stacks of Focus lets you Condense at-will. Max 4 at time.

PRAYER BEADS: At-will. Base PL +25% and regain 3 ki for 4 turns. 1 use.

CLASH: Standard Action. Take half damage from Sup Atk and deal the other half back to attacker. 1 use. 15 Ki.
DEFLECT: Bonus Action. Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn. 2 uses. 20 Ki.
ABSORB: At-Will Action. Each point of damage you take during your turn after negations lets you regain 2 Ki. Can use until 40 Ki absorbed.

THEMIS THUNDER: Single, Slashing, Immobilize, -5 ki

PL: 78,529
HP: 50/75 | KI: 43/100 | DEF: 50 | ACC: 35 | DMG DIE: d12+2

Lilith Nevermore

1d100·1d100 +50·1d100 +50·2d12+2·1d100·1d100 +50·2d12+2·1d100

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (23)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 29, 2019 7:34:26 GMT -5 Edited by Sayva Jan 29, 2019 7:49:01 GMT -5 : Added Rush and Crit Results

Alt Character🔸 Character Sheet Character Page

I'm no ordinary witch.

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (24)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (25)

Lilith Nevermore

Post by Lilith Nevermore on Jan 30, 2019 3:07:05 GMT -5

Sadly, success was short-lived. The witch could only stare in disbelief as the man kept coming at her. This was what made heroes so terrifying... They had no understanding of their own limits. Her gawking turned costly. She had no time to dodge, so she had to resort to the next best option. "Shadow Shroud." Tendrils of darkness erupted from her shadow, wrapping around her like a protective cloak. Launched into the air, she swept her hand and the Crimson Queen twitched. Reminiscent of a marionette yanked by the strings, the woman appeared in front of her. Four of the playing cards shattered. By the end of the combination, both the girl and her servant were launched into the ground. The impact shattered the pavement and buried them deep into an oddly witch-shaped hole.

Soon, an irritated groan rose from the crater.

"Get off me, you fool..." First the summoned woman crawled out. Despite the demonic strength and durability, she was badly bloodied and gasping. For some reason, all eight playing cards were now missing... Then the witch herself emerged, rising on a pedestal of squirming shadows. However, she seemed entirely unharmed, dusty clothes notwithstanding. Haughtily she scoffed at the hero’s efforts. "Are you quite done with your little games?" Seemed was the key word here. Where defensive spells met their limit, bravado had to fill in the rest. No matter how her hidden bruises ached, she needed to create an illusion of invulnerability.

And speaking of illusions...

Lilith’s eyes lit up with a baleful glow. The air behind her rippled with psychedelic colors. Her words drifted in the air, worming their way deep into the foe’s psyche.

"Give in already. Your attacks can never reach me." If the hypnosis got hold of him, for a brief moment he would see himself standing in the palm of the witch, tiny as an ant facing a mountainous colossus. The mental assault was followed by a physical one. In a fit of bloody fury, the mad Queen dashed at the hero for another heavy swing.


SPOILER: Click to show

Bonus Action 1 - Reactive:


Shadow Shroud | Negate half damage from attack 1 | -15 ki (Immobilized)
At-Will - Reactive:

Energy Constructs

Queen's Cards | Sacrifice 4 constructs to negate 8 dmg
Attack 1: Lilith 70 Def vs Sayva 70 = Hit! 20 - 10 (Guard) - 8 (Energy Constructs) - 2 (Super Elite Uniform) = 0 dmg!
At-Will - Reactive:

Aura Guard

Shadow Shroud | Negate critical hit bonus damage | -15 ki (Immobilized)

Energy Constructs

Queen's Cards | Sacrifice 4 constructs to negate 8 dmg
Attack 2: Lilith 70 Def vs Sayva 139 = Hit! +Crit! 13 + 7 (Crit) - 7 (Aura Guard) - 8 (Energy Constructs) - 2 (Super Elite Uniform) = 3 dmg!
Total damage dealt = 3



Super Elite Uniform

Enchanted Robes | +10 acc and +1 dmg tier to all attacks on next turn.

Standard Action 1: Recuperate | +50 ki

Bonus Action 2: Hypnosis | 85% chance to inflict 1 stack of special Enthralled status | -5 ki

4lChv8lA1d100 85 or below to succeed

At-Will: Crimson Queen attacks with an axe swing.


Immobilized | Defensive techniques cost +10 ki | 0 turns left
Energy Constructs | 0 left
Portal | +1 to sidekick attack roll | 2 turns left
Recuperate | 50/50 ki regained | Cannot use Recuperate anymore

PREPARED: +1 gear slot
ADEPT: Passive. +1 use of all gear equipped at the beginning of battle.
CLEVERNESS: Passive. +15% inflict chance on all status effects from any source.
VITRIOL: Passive. Inflict extra stack of non-special status effects.
INFUSE: Passive. 30% Burn chance with Basic Atks.
BLITZ: At-will. Make 2 Basic Atks during one Standard Action on turn.
TALENTED: At-will. Gain extra use of one Def or Util tech you know. 1 use.
SUPER ELITE UNIFORM: At-will. Choose one at turn end +10 def/negate 2 dmg or +10acc/+1 dmg tier w/ all atks.
SIPHONERS: At-will. Two Basic Attacks steal 5 ki on hit and restore it to you on next turn.
CURSED TOME: Bonus Action. Inflict status or special status back on foe. 2 uses left.
DESTRON GAS: Bonus Action. 30% base chance to Stun, Freeze and Poison. Rolled separately. If any status effect succeeds, target loses -15% base PL for the rest of the battle. Can lose PL only once. 3 uses.
DEMON RING: At-will. Deal 2 direct dmg per unique status effect foe had during their previous turn. 4 uses.
WAR CRUISER: At-will. Deal 3d4 direct dmg to all foes. 1 use.
MAGIC MATERIALIZATION: Bonus Action. Create an item to go into a gear slot. Replaces item. 1 use. -10 ki

PAPARAPAPA: Bonus Action. Summon sidekick that deals 1d6 dmg as at-will action. Rolling 1-2 on die leaves sidekick unable to attack. Can sacrifice at-will to negate 5 dmg from an attack. 1 summon per battle. -20 ki

PSYCHIC POWERS: Standard Action. Make a Basic Attack with +10 Acc but with 1 rank lower dmg die.
DIVINATION: Bonus Action. Gain +15 Defense for 3 turns. 1 use. -10 ki
SOLAR FLARE: Bonus Action. 60% chance to Blind. Target takes 2 stacks and d6 direct dmg as well. 2 uses. -5 ki
AFTER IMAGE: Bonus Action. Avoid two attacks that would have hit. 1 use -10 ki
AURA GUARD: At-will. Immune to non-special status effects and negates critical hit bonus dmg. 2 uses. -5 ki
HYPNOSIS: 70% chance to inflict special Enthralled status. 1 use left. -5 ki

ENERGY CONSTRUCTS: Bonus Action create 8 constructs. Can use constructs at-will to add a d4 to basic attack or to negate up to 8 damage from an attack. 1 use. -10 ki

HEX: Single, Versatile, Cripple, -5 ki

PL: 39,848
HP: 39/50 | KI: 65/100 | DEF: 60 | ACC: 40 | DMG DIE: d12



The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 30, 2019 3:07:05 GMT -5

Player Character🔹 The Red Mantle Character Sheet Character Page

My Justice Will Get Stronger!

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (26)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (27)


Post by Sayva on Jan 30, 2019 19:53:04 GMT -5

The tremor of the impact could be felt from miles out and the ground reverberated with a sandwiching force coming simultaneously from both above and below. From the heroes vantage point it appeared he made good with his attempts despite the upsurge of dust and debris clouding his immediate vision of the scene. As the dust settled a large gaping crater was found impressed into the earth, as if a megalithic dinosaur had left a single footprint upon the ruined landscape. The foul blood queen that Lilith had summoned was the first to stir from the abyssal depths of the crater. The dark entity was bloodied and beaten by the looks of things, and the eight mysterious cards that previously flanked it were now nowhere to be found.

“Impossible!?” The red mantle exclaimed in thought as he watched his opponent emerge thereafter on a disturbing pedestal of skittering shadows. Albeit for the sake of a bit of dust and debris his mauve haired adversary seemed visually unharmed, without a scratch to be found anywhere upon her exposed pale frame. “I know my aim was a bit shoddy, but there is no way she should have weathered that in one piece.” He added in thought as the wheels in his mind began to turn. Then suddenly it became painfully evident that the blood queen and whatever those mysterious cards were had absorbed the vast majority if not all of his attack damage. “Damn.”

“Justice is not a game, and it most certainly will never quit. I may not understand the ways of your magic, but I will remain steadfast!” Sayva replied no sooner than the visual of a great nightmare had befallen him. In an instant the small witch grew to the size of an absolute titan, and he found himself standing in the palm of her now enormous hand. “What!? More dark magic!?” The hero cried out as he did his best to remain brave despite the butterflies that began agitating the insides of his stomach. It was shortly thereafter that Lilith’s voice rang into his head, inviting him to give in at what appeared to be an inevitability. Uncertain of what had befallen him or even what to do, the scarlet hero assumed a defensive stance in preparation.

“Gahhh!” He cried out as he felt the bite of a heavy slash come across the flesh of his cross-guarded forearms. However to the respect of what he was actually seeing, it seemed as if it was a spark of Lilith’s dark energy that nicked him, as nothing else proved to be in his sights. “I refuse to let this witch keep me bound!” He exclaimed in thought as he gritted his teeth and charged the giant spell caster in a white powered flight. If nothing else he would attempt to punch the colossal witch square in the face, hoping that would break him free of whatever enchantments had befallen him. “Thundering Punch!”

WC: 492

Total: 2,523


SPOILER: Click to show

Attack 1: Blood Queen direct damage axe slash | Hit!
Attack 2:
Total damage dealt = 3 Damage!


At-Will: Absorb, Prayer Beads, Rush, Guile (Seeking), Martial Arts Gi (+15 Acc and +1 dmg tier to both attacks)
Bonus Action 1: N/A
Bonus Action 2: N/A

Standard Action: Themis Thunder | Super Attack | -5 Ki
Slashing: Critical on 85 or higher | Seeking

To Hit:

EXuyBUh21d100 +50

For Damage:


Rush Direct Damage: 2 If Avoided

Immobilize | 50< :

1d100 Hit!

Boundless: +10% PL
Prayer Beads: +25% PL & + 3 Ki for 3 Turns
Headband/Focus Stacks: —
Freezing: 3 Turns
Edge 1: As a passive you gain +10 def against all the foe's attacks.
Edge 2: As a passive you negate 2 damage from all the foe's attacks.

MOXY: Passive. +5 Fighting
GUILE: At-will. Add second major effect onto one super attack.
BOUNDLESS: Passive. Gain +10% PL each turn in battle. Max of 50%.

ASSAULT: At-will. Roll better of two d100s for Sup Attacks on turn. 0 use remaining.

RAMPAGE: At-will. Add dmg die to attacks 2d4 to Supers and 1d4 to Basics. 2 uses remaining.
RUSH: At-will. One single-type Sup Atk deals direct dmg equal to lowest die rolled and inflicts successful status.

MARTIAL ARTS GI: At-will. Add +15 accuracy and +1 dmg tier to two attacks.
HEADBAND Passive. Basic attack hits give Focus stacks. 4 stacks of Focus lets you Condense at-will. Max 4 at time.

PRAYER BEADS: At-will. Base PL +25% and regain 3 ki for 4 turns. 1 use.

CLASH: Standard Action. Take half damage from Sup Atk and deal the other half back to attacker. 1 use. 15 Ki.
DEFLECT: Bonus Action. Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn. 2 uses. 20 Ki.
ABSORB: At-Will Action. Each point of damage you take during your turn after negations lets you regain 2 Ki. Can use until 40 Ki absorbed. 6/40 regained.

THEMIS THUNDER: Single, Slashing, Immobilize, -5 ki

PL: 86,382
HP: 47/75 | KI: 47/100 | DEF: 50 | ACC: 35 | DMG DIE: d12+2

Lilith Nevermore

1d100 +50·2d12+2·1d100

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (28)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 30, 2019 19:53:04 GMT -5 Edited by Sayva Jan 30, 2019 19:54:43 GMT -5 : Added Rush results

Alt Character🔸 Character Sheet Character Page

I'm no ordinary witch.

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (29)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (30)

Lilith Nevermore

Post by Lilith Nevermore on Jan 31, 2019 11:42:46 GMT -5

To say Lilith was unprepared for the retaliation would have been a huge understatement. The violent punch pierced right through the gigantic woman’s face. Reminiscent of a broken mirror, the entire illusion shattered and collapsed. Back in reality, she had gotten socked right in the face as well. And it hurt! She was sent tumbling backwards into the dirt. Holding her aching nose, she struggled to even raise her head. That damnable energy was paralyzing her again. "Gah... Share my suffering... Cursed Tome." Just like before the hovering book spat out foul magic. Again the hero was cursed with the same affliction he had inflicted on the witch.

The irritated girl shot a furious glare at her wounded summon.

"Don’t just stand there. Keep attacking." Though the infernal demon was clearly starting to run out breath, it couldn’t resist the command. With a shrill cry, it charged yet again for another chop. Hoping to capitalize on the distraction, the summoner raised her hand. "Soul Siphon." The swirling vortex returned, even bigger and stronger than before. It hungered for the hero’s life force.

Draining with one hand, the witch aimed the wand with the other. If the hero’s previous acrobatics were any indication, then he would dodge... somewhere around... there. A new incantation rose to the air.

"I call forth the enmity of earth..." The glimmering ice around her wand darkened into dirt. "Shatter Hex." A magical bolt shot into the exposed earth. Suddenly the stones at the hero’s feet rumbled and exploded upwards. It was like a shotgun blast filled with rending gravel. If he got caught off-guard, it might leave him bleeding badly.


SPOILER: Click to show

Attack 1: Lilith 70 Def vs Sayva 120 = Hit! 10 dmg! +Immobilize
Attack 2: Lilith 70 Def vs Sayva - = -
Total damage dealt = 10


Bonus Action: Cursed Tome | Inflict Immobilize on Sayva


Super Elite Uniform

Enchanted Robes | +10 def and negate 2 dmg from all attacks on next turn.
Crimson Queen attacks with an axe swing.

Siphoners | Basic Attacks steal 5 ki on hit
Blitz | Make an additional Basic Attack.

Standard Action 1: Soul Siphon | Telekinetic Basic Attack
Acc Bonus: +60 (+40 Acc, +10 Psychic Powers, +10 Enchanted Robes) | Steals 5 ki on hit | Inflicts 2 stacks of Burn

1d100+60 for atk.
1d12 for dmg. (Enchanted Robes)
1d100 45 or below to succeed

Blitz: Soul Siphon | Telekinetic Basic Attack
Acc Bonus: +60 (+40 Acc, +10 Psychic Powers, +10 Enchanted Robes) | Steals 5 ki on hit | Inflicts 2 stacks of Burn

1d100+60 for atk.
1d12 for dmg.(Enchanted Robes)
1d100 45 or below to succeed

Standard Action 2: Shatter Hex | -5 ki
Acc Bonus: +50 (+40 Acc, +10 Enchanted Robes) | Inflicts 2 stacks of Wound 65%

1d100+50 for atk.
2d12+2 for dmg.(Enchanted Robes)
1d100 65 or below to succeed

Immobilized | Defensive techniques cost +10 ki | 2 turns left
Portal | +1 to sidekick attack roll | last turn
Recuperate | 50/50 ki regained | Cannot use Recuperate anymore

PREPARED: +1 gear slot
ADEPT: Passive. +1 use of all gear equipped at the beginning of battle.
CLEVERNESS: Passive. +15% inflict chance on all status effects from any source.
VITRIOL: Passive. Inflict extra stack of non-special status effects.
INFUSE: Passive. 30% Burn chance with Basic Atks.
BLITZ: At-will. Make 2 Basic Atks during one Standard Action on turn.
TALENTED: At-will. Gain extra use of one Def or Util tech you know. 1 use.
SUPER ELITE UNIFORM: At-will. Choose one at turn end +10 def/negate 2 dmg or +10acc/+1 dmg tier w/ all atks.
SIPHONERS: At-will. Two Basic Attacks steal 5 ki on hit and restore it to you on next turn.
CURSED TOME: Bonus Action. Inflict status or special status back on foe. 1 use left.
DESTRON GAS: Bonus Action. 30% base chance to Stun, Freeze and Poison. Rolled separately. If any status effect succeeds, target loses -15% base PL for the rest of the battle. Can lose PL only once. 3 uses.
DEMON RING: At-will. Deal 2 direct dmg per unique status effect foe had during their previous turn. 4 uses.
WAR CRUISER: At-will. Deal 3d4 direct dmg to all foes. 1 use.
MAGIC MATERIALIZATION: Bonus Action. Create an item to go into a gear slot. Replaces item. 1 use. -10 ki

PAPARAPAPA: Bonus Action. Summon sidekick that deals 1d6 dmg as at-will action. Rolling 1-2 on die leaves sidekick unable to attack. Can sacrifice at-will to negate 5 dmg from an attack. 1 summon per battle. -20 ki

PSYCHIC POWERS: Standard Action. Make a Basic Attack with +10 Acc but with 1 rank lower dmg die.
DIVINATION: Bonus Action. Gain +15 Defense for 3 turns. 1 use. -10 ki
SOLAR FLARE: Bonus Action. 60% chance to Blind. Target takes 2 stacks and d6 direct dmg as well. 2 uses. -5 ki
AFTER IMAGE: Bonus Action. Avoid two attacks that would have hit. 1 use -10 ki
AURA GUARD: At-will. Immune to non-special status effects and negates critical hit bonus dmg. 1 use left. -5 ki
HYPNOSIS: 70% chance to inflict special Enthralled status. 1 use left. -5 ki

ENERGY CONSTRUCTS: Bonus Action create 8 constructs. Can use constructs at-will to add a d4 to basic attack or to negate up to 8 damage from an attack. 1 use. -10 ki

HEX: Single, Versatile, Cripple, -5 ki

PL: 39,848
HP: 29/50 | KI: 60/100 | DEF: 60 | ACC: 40 | DMG DIE: d12



The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Jan 31, 2019 11:42:46 GMT -5

Player Character🔹 The Red Mantle Character Sheet Character Page

My Justice Will Get Stronger!

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (31)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (32)


Post by Sayva on Feb 3, 2019 19:40:29 GMT -5

Although perhaps rash and headlong, the hero’s Thundering Punch had barreled through whatever enchantments that had him bound and caught the giant witch square in the face. Like a broken mirror, the reality he had been witnessing shattered and Lilith reverted back to her normal size. However, before the caped crusader could regain his bearings, the paralyzing energy from his own attack was reflected once more. “Damn, she’s cursed me again!” He exclaimed in thought as the electricity paralyzed him in the wake of Lilith's counterattack.

The axe of the dark queen sliced him clean again, this time carving down into his left shoulder. To boot the swirling vortex he had managed to evade earlier was sent again, this time much larger and much more powerful than before. “I won’t be able to get clear it this time!” He added between his ears in a tone of desperation as his legs proved too sluggish to strafe him clear of the dark torment. The pain bit at him like a maelstrom of serpents that took more than just his blood, but a bit of his energy too. “When will this sorcery end!?” He cried in evident frustration as he managed to scathe free from the exploding gravel beneath him and land just a few yards away.

“Strength of Justice!” Sayva exclaimed as he spread his legs shoulder width apart, crouching down into a horse-stance, and enveloping himself within a violent whisk of translucent white ki. The red mantle’s power level would surge nearly twice over as the sky above the area slowly darkened with intensity. “Haaaaaa!” He continued to shriek as his muscles began to rapidly budge and expand, and before long, Sayva became a surging physical specimen that was easily double his normal stature. “Hulking Thunder!” He shouted lastly as the muscular hero clasped his hands together high over his head before dropping a devastating strike into the ground. The tearing shockwaves would be sent directly towards Lilith looking to batter and slice the witch with crushing force.

WC: 338

Total: 2,861


SPOILER: Click to show


Blood Queen direct damage axe slash | Hit for 3 damage!
Attack 1: Soul Siphon | Hit for 6 damage and -5 Ki ! | -2 damage from Edge 2
Attack 2: Soul Siphon | Hit for 12 damage and -5 Ki ! | -2 damage from Edge 2
Attack 3 :Shatter Hex | Missed, dodged with Rapid Movement | -20 Ki
Total damage dealt = 17 Damage & -10 Ki!


At-Will: Power up, Adrenaline, Absorb, Rush, Guile (Seeking), Martial Arts Gi (+15 Acc and +1 dmg tier to both attacks)
Bonus Action 1: Rapid Movement | - 20 Ki

Standard Action 1: Hulking Thunder | Super Attack | -5 Ki
Slashing: Critical on 85 or higher | Seeking

To Hit:

ckhOC4aK1d100 +60

For Damage:


Rush Direct Damage: 6 If Avoided

Immobilize | 50< :

1d100 Miss!

Standard Action 2: Hulking Thunder | Super Attack | -5 Ki
Slashing: Critical on 85 or higher | Seeking

To Hit:

1d100 +60

For Damage:


Rush Direct Damage: 6 If Avoided

Immobilize | 50< :

1d100 Hit!

Power Up: 1.5x Base PL for 3 Turns
Boundless: +10% PL
Prayer Beads: +25% PL; + 3 Ki for 2 Turns
Headband/Focus Stacks: —
Freezing: 2 Turns
Immobilize: 1 turn
Edge 1: As a passive you gain +10 def against all the foe's attacks.
Edge 2: As a passive you negate 2 damage from all the foe's attacks.
Edge 3: As a passive effect you gain +10 accuracy with all your attacks against the foe.

MOXY: Passive. +5 Fighting
GUILE: At-will. Add second major effect onto one super attack.
BOUNDLESS: Passive. Gain +10% PL each turn in battle. Max of 50%.

ASSAULT: At-will. Roll better of two d100s for Sup Attacks on turn. 0 use remaining.

RAMPAGE: At-will. Add dmg die to attacks 2d4 to Supers and 1d4 to Basics. 2 uses remaining.
RUSH: At-will. One single-type Sup Atk deals direct dmg equal to lowest die rolled and inflicts successful status.

MARTIAL ARTS GI: At-will. Add +15 accuracy and +1 dmg tier to two attacks.
HEADBAND Passive. Basic attack hits give Focus stacks. 4 stacks of Focus lets you Condense at-will. Max 4 at time.

PRAYER BEADS: At-will. Base PL +25% and regain 3 ki for 4 turns. 1 use.

CLASH: Standard Action. Take half damage from Sup Atk and deal the other half back to attacker. 1 use. 15 Ki.
DEFLECT: Bonus Action. Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn. 2 uses. 20 Ki.

ABSORB: At-Will Action. Each point of damage you take during your turn after negations lets you regain 2 Ki. Can use until 40 Ki absorbed. 40/40 regained.

Gained 34 this turn.

THEMIS THUNDER: Single, Slashing, Immobilize, -5 ki

PL: 142,530
HP: 30/75 | KI: 44/100 | DEF: 50 +10 [edge 1] +20 Adrenaline = 80 | ACC: 35 | DMG DIE: d12+2

Lilith Nevermore

1d100 +60·2d12+2·1d100·1d100 +60·2d12+2·1d100

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (33)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Feb 3, 2019 19:40:29 GMT -5 Edited by Sayva Feb 3, 2019 19:44:24 GMT -5 : Added Rush results

Alt Character🔸 Character Sheet Character Page

I'm no ordinary witch.

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (34)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (35)

Lilith Nevermore

Post by Lilith Nevermore on Feb 4, 2019 14:27:12 GMT -5

A wicked smile graced the woman’s cold features. She could feel the delightful tingle of energy returning through the siphon. "It will end when you have the courtesy to keel over." Unfortunately, as she said that the foe vehemently refused to do any such thing. For a while now, she had been bugged by this creeping realization... A worry she wanted to chalk up to imagination... And now her worry was confirmed. The crimson eyes widened as the hero’s power promptly skyrocketed. She definitely wasn’t just imagining things. Somehow this loudmouth kept growing stronger in spite of his injuries. Faster too. Aaand bigger. Lovely.

Much too stunned by the development, the witch made no move to dodge. Perhaps she just wasn’t fast enough anymore. The massive shockwaves tore right through her. She was sent crashing backwards into a building wall, leaving her trapped and helpless. A splatter of red painted the pavement. In a violent flash, her silhouette was crushed and ripped to shreds until nothing remained...

"Tch, damnable fool..." Against all sensible expectations, the cold voice chimed from behind the hero. The witch stood mere few feet away, on a producing rubble that conveniently put her on eye level with the hulking brute. There were cracks in the flawless mask. Few more tears on her robes. Bit more blood running down the corner of her mouth...

Usually this was the part where Lilith mockingly asked her foes if they had enjoyed their little dream... This time, however, she had far more pressing questions. She aimed a sharp point at the hero.

"This doesn’t make any sense. You should be exhausted. Dying. Too weak to even move. So where on earth is all that energy coming from?" She dug out a crystal ball from her sleeve and peered into it as if it would provide answers. "Is this some sort of trick?" Her frustrated glare shifted back onto the brute. "Or are you simply too stupid to understand physical limitations?" While she spoke, the cursed tome sputtered out one more bolt before spontaneously combusting in ghastly violet flames. Likewise, the demonic queen was reaching her limit as well, barely managing to make an unsteady swing at the hero’s leg.


SPOILER: Click to show

Bonus Action 1 - Reactive: After Image | Avoid two attacks that would have hit | -20 ki (Immobilized)
Attack 1: Lilith 70 Def vs Sayva 126 = Miss!
Attack 2: Lilith 70 Def vs Sayva 78 = Miss!
Rush deals 12 direct damage and Immobilize anyway.
Total damage dealt = 12


Bonus Action 2: Cursed Tome | Inflict Immobilize on Sayva (again!)

Bonus Action 3: Divination | Gain +15 Defense for 3 turns. | -20 ki


Super Elite Uniform

Enchanted Robes | +10 def and negate 2 dmg from all attacks on next turn.


Annoyed | +20 Defense for 2 turns

Crimson Queen attacks with an axe swing.


Immobilized | Defensive techniques cost +10 ki | 3 turns left
Recuperate | 50/50 ki regained | Cannot use Recuperate anymore
Siphoning +10 ki
Divination | +15 Def | 3 turns left
Adrenaline | +20 Def | 2 turns left

PREPARED: +1 gear slot
ADEPT: Passive. +1 use of all gear equipped at the beginning of battle.
CLEVERNESS: Passive. +15% inflict chance on all status effects from any source.
VITRIOL: Passive. Inflict extra stack of non-special status effects.
INFUSE: Passive. 30% Burn chance with Basic Atks.
BLITZ: At-will. Make 2 Basic Atks during one Standard Action on turn.
TALENTED: At-will. Gain extra use of one Def or Util tech you know. 1 use.
SUPER ELITE UNIFORM: At-will. Choose one at turn end +10 def/negate 2 dmg or +10acc/+1 dmg tier w/ all atks.
SIPHONERS: At-will. Two Basic Attacks steal 5 ki on hit and restore it to you on next turn.

CURSED TOME: Bonus Action. Inflict status or special status back on foe. 0 uses left.

DESTRON GAS: Bonus Action. 30% base chance to Stun, Freeze and Poison. Rolled separately. If any status effect succeeds, target loses -15% base PL for the rest of the battle. Can lose PL only once. 3 uses.
DEMON RING: At-will. Deal 2 direct dmg per unique status effect foe had during their previous turn. 4 uses.
WAR CRUISER: At-will. Deal 3d4 direct dmg to all foes. 1 use.
MAGIC MATERIALIZATION: Bonus Action. Create an item to go into a gear slot. Replaces item. 1 use. -10 ki

PAPARAPAPA: Bonus Action. Summon sidekick that deals 1d6 dmg as at-will action. Rolling 1-2 on die leaves sidekick unable to attack. Can sacrifice at-will to negate 5 dmg from an attack. 1 summon per battle. -20 ki

PSYCHIC POWERS: Standard Action. Make a Basic Attack with +10 Acc but with 1 rank lower dmg die.

DIVINATION: Bonus Action. Gain +15 Defense for 3 turns. 1 use. -10 ki

SOLAR FLARE: Bonus Action. 60% chance to Blind. Target takes 2 stacks and d6 direct dmg as well. 2 uses. -5 ki

AFTER IMAGE: Bonus Action. Avoid two attacks that would have hit. 1 use. -10 ki

AURA GUARD: At-will. Immune to non-special status effects and negates critical hit bonus dmg. 1 use left. -5 ki
HYPNOSIS: 70% chance to inflict special Enthralled status. 1 use left. -5 ki

ENERGY CONSTRUCTS: Bonus Action create 8 constructs. Can use constructs at-will to add a d4 to basic attack or to negate up to 8 damage from an attack. 1 use. -10 ki

HEX: Single, Versatile, Cripple, -5 ki

PL: 39,848
HP: 17/50 | KI: 30/100 | DEF: 60 | ACC: 40 | DMG DIE: d12



The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Feb 4, 2019 14:27:12 GMT -5

Player Character🔹 The Red Mantle Character Sheet Character Page

My Justice Will Get Stronger!

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (36)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (37)


Post by Sayva on Feb 5, 2019 2:52:12 GMT -5

His Hulking Smash proved to be successful by the looks of things as the massive shockwaves appeared to rend through Lilith’s petite frame with reckless abandon. If there was anymore confirmation that his attack had truly connected, it was the crash at the building wall nearly a hundreds yards away. The Red Mantle did not take pleasure in harming the small woman, even if she was an evil spell caster. In his heart he believed that not only could he stand up to and defeat evil, but his justice also had the power to convert it as well. This belief was a little more than a hopeful idea at best as he had never managed to turn a villain good, or even anywhere near close to neutral at best. However Sayva had faith in his new found resolve, and wondered if the spell caster had any good in her otherwise apparent heart of darkness.

“What!?” The hero exclaimed in thought, because as soon as the dust settled, Lilith’s cold voice chimed in from behind him just a few feet away. “I’m sure I got her with that, there is no way she could have completely avoided it, even with her magic.” Sayva added in a deductive tone as her tattered robes and visible signs of bloodshed confirmed the reality he knew to be true. He knew that his technique was for all intensive purposes inescapable in totality, a skill he picked up while teaching at The New Crane Academy over the years. Still however, despite his best efforts, the witch was still able to move somehow.

“You are right. I am well past my own limits, but my justice isn’t mine alone. Where my own resolve fall’s short, it is picked up and bolstered by those that count on me. It is because of this, that my physical limitations do not matter. I will show you once again the justice that not even your own magic can reveal!” He exclaimed in retort over his shoulder, not making a move to turn and face the witch completely. The familiar shared pain of his own labors combined with the incessant interference of the blood queen bit once more, but with his adrenaline pumping he paid his suffering little mind as he dug deeper into his seemingly infinite well of justice. “Huuuaaaahhhhhh!” Sayva shouted as his energy erupted once more, thrashing the entire area again with another maelstrom of his violent pure white energy.

WC: 411

Total: 3,272


SPOILER: Click to show


Blood Queen direct damage axe slash | Hit for 6 damage!

Total damage dealt = 6 Damage


At-Will: Rush, Guile (Seeking), Martial Arts Gi (+15 Acc and +1 dmg tier to both attacks)
Bonus Action : N/A

Standard Action 1: Hulking Thunder | Super Attack | -5 Ki
Slashing: Critical on 85 or higher | Seeking

To Hit:

SVnU8S0x1d100 +60

For Damage:


Rush Direct Damage: 9 If Avoided

Immobilize | 50< :

1d100 Miss!

Standard Action 2: Hulking Thunder | Super Attack | -5 Ki
Slashing: Critical on 85 or higher | Seeking

To Hit:

1d100 +60

For Damage:


Rush Direct Damage: 6 If Avoided

Immobilize | 50< :

1d100 Hit!

Power Up: 1.5x Base PL for 2 Turns
Boundless: +10% PL
Prayer Beads: +25% PL; + 3 Ki for 1 Turn
Headband/Focus Stacks: —
Freezing: 2 Turns
Immobilize: 2 turns
Edge 1: As a passive you gain +10 def against all the foe's attacks.
Edge 2: As a passive you negate 2 damage from all the foe's attacks.
Edge 3: As a passive effect you gain +10 accuracy with all your attacks against the foe.

MOXY: Passive. +5 Fighting
GUILE: At-will. Add second major effect onto one super attack.
BOUNDLESS: Passive. Gain +10% PL each turn in battle. Max of 50%.

ASSAULT: At-will. Roll better of two d100s for Sup Attacks on turn. 0 use remaining.

RAMPAGE: At-will. Add dmg die to attacks 2d4 to Supers and 1d4 to Basics. 2 uses remaining.
RUSH: At-will. One single-type Sup Atk deals direct dmg equal to lowest die rolled and inflicts successful status.

MARTIAL ARTS GI: At-will. Add +15 accuracy and +1 dmg tier to two attacks.
HEADBAND Passive. Basic attack hits give Focus stacks. 4 stacks of Focus lets you Condense at-will. Max 4 at time.

PRAYER BEADS: At-will. Base PL +25% and regain 3 ki for 4 turns. 1 use.

CLASH: Standard Action. Take half damage from Sup Atk and deal the other half back to attacker. 1 use. 15 Ki.
DEFLECT: Bonus Action. Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn. 2 uses. 20 Ki.

ABSORB: At-Will Action. Each point of damage you take during your turn after negations lets you regain 2 Ki. Can use until 40 Ki absorbed. 40/40 regained.

Gained 34 this turn.

THEMIS THUNDER: Single, Slashing, Immobilize, -5 ki

PL: 156,783
HP: 24/75 | KI: 37/100 | DEF: 50 +10 [edge 1] +20 Adrenaline = 80 | ACC: 35 | DMG DIE: d12+2

Lilith Nevermore

1d100 +60·2d12+2·1d100·1d100 +60·2d12+2·1d100

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (38)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Feb 5, 2019 2:52:12 GMT -5 Edited by Sayva Feb 5, 2019 2:56:41 GMT -5 : Added Rush results

Alt Character🔸 Character Sheet Character Page

I'm no ordinary witch.

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (39)

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] | Dragonball: New Era (40)

Lilith Nevermore

Post by Lilith Nevermore on Feb 5, 2019 7:48:41 GMT -5

Lilith’s eye twitched. The sharp teeth gritted together. "Shadow Shroud." She barely managed to gather the slithering shadows into a shield to guard herself. As the raging shockwave passed, she was left hunched and lifeless. Drip, drop, lonely little droplets of blood fell from her lips. "Ridiculous..." The horribly injured girl twitched. "How utterly ridiculous..." With a hateful hiss, she lifted her head just enough to glare at the hero. "Don’t talk to me about justice... After everything your kind has done to my clan..." Her interest in uncovering his secret drowned beneath the sheer hate for his profession.

Enduring the pain with raw willpower, the witch voiced a whole new incantation.

"Through knowledge may all barriers be broken..." Mystical runes appeared in circles around her. Slowly they rotated, gathering power. "Spell Mimicry: Heavenly Restoration." Suddenly a ray of light shone down on her from the heavens above. As her body bathed in the golden glow, the bleeding wounds rapidly closed without a trace. Soon the light faded, along with the runes. She let out a deep sigh and brushed her hair back into order. No longer were her motions slow or sluggish. It may not have been a total rejuvenation, not even close, but she could at least pretend so.

The young lady brandished her wand with refreshed bravado.

"Through talent may all limits be removed..." Her magic flared into violet wisps. Dangerous intentions gleamed in those crimson eyes. "I shall show you the limits of your so-called justice..." The air crackled with malicious static. It was actually violent enough to hurt even the hulking hero. Something enormous was coming... However, it wasn’t easy to stop the wicked witch with the summoned fiend standing in the way. Like a marionette with broken strings, the Queen lurched towards the hero for yet another desperate strike.


SPOILER: Click to show

Bonus Action 1 - Reactive:


Shadow Shroud | Negate half damage from attack 1 | -15 ki (Immobilized)
Attack 1: Lilith 105 Def vs Sayva 138 = Hit! 22 - 11 (Guard) - 2 (Super Elite Uniform) = 9 dmg
Attack 2: Lilith 105 Def vs Sayva 78 = Miss!
Rush deals 6 direct damage and Immobilize anyway.
Total damage dealt = 15


Bonus Action 2:

Magic Materialization

Spell Mimicry | Create Senzu Bean in Cursed Tome slot | -5 ki (inventory reduction)

Bonus Action 3:

Senzu Bean

Heavenly Restoration | Gain +20 HP and +20 ki


Super Elite Uniform

Enchanted Robes | +10 def and negate 2 dmg from all attacks on next turn.
Talented | Gain an extra use of After Image

Demon Ring

Malicious Static | Deals 4 direct dmg to Sayva

Crimson Queen attacks with an axe swing.


Immobilized | Defensive techniques cost +10 ki | 4 turns left
Recuperate | 50/50 ki regained | Cannot use Recuperate anymore
Divination | +15 Def | 2 turns left
Adrenaline | +20 Def | 1 turn left

PREPARED: +1 gear slot
ADEPT: Passive. +1 use of all gear equipped at the beginning of battle.
CLEVERNESS: Passive. +15% inflict chance on all status effects from any source.
VITRIOL: Passive. Inflict extra stack of non-special status effects.
INFUSE: Passive. 30% Burn chance with Basic Atks.
BLITZ: At-will. Make 2 Basic Atks during one Standard Action on turn.

TALENTED: At-will. Gain extra use of one Def or Util tech you know. 1 use.

After Image
SUPER ELITE UNIFORM: At-will. Choose one at turn end +10 def/negate 2 dmg or +10acc/+1 dmg tier w/ all atks.
SIPHONERS: At-will. Two Basic Attacks steal 5 ki on hit and restore it to you on next turn.

CURSED TOME: Bonus Action. Inflict status or special status back on foe. 0 uses left.
SENZU BEAN (MM): Bonus Action. Restore 20 HP and 20 ki. 1 use.

DESTRON GAS: Bonus Action. 30% base chance to Stun, Freeze and Poison. Rolled separately. If any status effect succeeds, target loses -15% base PL for the rest of the battle. Can lose PL only once. 3 uses.
DEMON RING: At-will. Deal 2 direct dmg per unique status effect foe had during their previous turn. 3 uses left.
WAR CRUISER: At-will. Deal 3d4 direct dmg to all foes. 1 use.

MAGIC MATERIALIZATION: Bonus Action. Create an item to go into a gear slot. Replaces item. 1 use. -10 ki
PAPARAPAPA: Bonus Action. Summon sidekick that deals 1d6 dmg as at-will action. Rolling 1-2 on die leaves sidekick unable to attack. Can sacrifice at-will to negate 5 dmg from an attack. 1 summon per battle. -20 ki

PSYCHIC POWERS: Standard Action. Make a Basic Attack with +10 Acc but with 1 rank lower dmg die.

DIVINATION: Bonus Action. Gain +15 Defense for 3 turns. 1 use. -10 ki

SOLAR FLARE: Bonus Action. 60% chance to Blind. Target takes 2 stacks and d6 direct dmg as well. 2 uses. -5 ki
AFTER IMAGE: Bonus Action. Avoid two attacks that would have hit. 1 use left. -10 ki
AURA GUARD: At-will. Immune to non-special status effects and negates critical hit bonus dmg. 1 use left. -5 ki
HYPNOSIS: 70% chance to inflict special Enthralled status. 1 use left. -5 ki

ENERGY CONSTRUCTS: Bonus Action create 8 constructs. Can use constructs at-will to add a d4 to basic attack or to negate up to 8 damage from an attack. 1 use. -10 ki

HEX: Single, Versatile, Cripple, -5 ki

PL: 39,848
HP: 22/50 | KI: 30/100 | DEF: 60 | ACC: 40 | DMG DIE: d12



The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith] Posted Feb 5, 2019 7:48:41 GMT -5

The Central City Ruins [Sayva Vs. Lillith]  | Dragonball: New Era (2024)


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