Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (2024)

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (1)
Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (2)

There is a popular saying among some adventurers that goes: "Clothes make the adventurer." Whether true or not, it is a fact that a large part of adventurers' survival is determined by the equipment they carry with them.

The original intention of this supplement was simply to introduce materials for creating equipment, something more for appearance with small effects, but gradually it transformed into a system of effects for the equipment carried. This was achieved through two mechanics that can work together or separately: crafting and refining. Crafting simply involves using resources to create the equipment, while refining (which could also be called enchanting) grants additional effects.

When using this supplement, you can use the materials for whatever you wish: use one, the other, or both systems. It should be noted that this supplement is designed more for fun and discovery, not for balance because it moves many things and, depending on how it's used, it can give players too much power.

In reality, this supplement is like an initial version, introducing a relatively small list of materials, being 16 for crafting and 20 for refining. Over time, and if there is enough interest, I could expand the list, also adding more effects, as I have many in the pipeline.

Thanks to Spartan127 for "The Expanded Crafter," the supplement from which I based several of the crafting materials used here. That is a detailed supplement offering specific rules for creating items and the effects of the materials used. In contrast, this supplement will focus on the materials, their effects, and the ability to add additional effects through refining.

Table of Contents
Crafting materials3
Refining materials8

Document written by Artegal Hest.

Images created using MidJourney.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.


There is a wide variety of materials in the world with which to make weapons, armor, and even accessories. Although the standard in many settings is steel, it is often important to seek out other possible types of materials.

Below, various possible elements for crafting items will be added. Several of these materials and items come from "The Expanded Crafter," but others are elements existing in history, mythology, or fantasy, and some are also original creations.

This supplement will not detail crafting rules. You can use the ones detailed in Xanathar's Guide to Everything (XGE) or follow the detailed guidelines provided by the supplement "The Expanded Crafter."

However, in the "Crafting Materials" table, the rarity of each material is listed. This can be used to determine the cost for your particular setting, either as raw material or for items crafted with it.

It is important to emphasize the skills required by a craftsman to use certain materials. Whether it's a PC or an NPC, not all craftsmen should be able to work with any amount of materials.

A simple way to limit PCs could be through their level and considering the rarity of the material being worked on, as shown in the "Crafting Materials by PC Level" table. This same table could work for NPCs by assigning them an internal craftsman level to work with materials of that rarity.

Crafting Materials by PC Level
13-16Very rare

However, there are supplements and homebrew rules that have developed aspects of professions and trades in great detail, which could be compatible with this ability to work with materials.

In the end, this way of limiting production is a suggestion, and no limitation may be included, or even other elements could be used to limit the crafting capacity.

Crafting materials

With that understood, the different materials included in this module will be detailed below. Some of these materials are common, others come from the aforementioned supplement, while others are new additions.

Some items are resources extracted from creatures, so their rarity may depend on the CR of the creature, as would correspond to the "Material Rarity by CR" table.

Material Rarity by CR
13-16Very rare

The complete list is collected in the "Crafting Materials" table, which arranges the materials according to their rarity. The following aspects are detailed in the table:

  • Rarity. The rarity of the material. It is important to note that an item is considered to have the rarity of the materials used to create it.
  • Weapon effects. The natural effects that weapons made from this material possess; see their description in the "Refinement Effects" section.
  • Armor effects. The natural effects that armors made from this material possess; see their description in the "Refinement Effects" section.
  • Refinement slots. The refinement slots that an item crafted with a certain material possesses. This will be detailed in the "Refinement" section.
Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (6)
Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (7)
Crafting materials
NameRarityWeapon effectsArmor effectsRefinement slots
BoneCommon - Very rare--0 (Common)
1 (Common)
2 (Rare)
5 (Very rare)
Cold IRonCommonNatural Enemy (Fey)Natural Enemy (Fey)1
Abyssal MetalUncommon - Legendary--2 (Common)
5 (Rare)
10 (Very rare)
20 (Legendary)
PlatinumUncommon-Non-physical Mitigation (Acid)4
Alchemical SilverUncommonSilveredSilvered3
Eternal WoodRare-Mental Awakening
Mental Outburst
Infernal SteelRareAdditional Damage (Fire)Non-physical Mitigation (Fire)5
OrichalcumVery rareAdditional Damage (Force)
Critical Advantage
Non-physical Mitigation (Force)
Critical Advantage
AdamantineLegendaryTotal Damage
Total Defense
Divine BoneLegendary-Integral Resistance
Magic Resistance
Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (8)
Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (9)


Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (10)
  • Rarity: Common.
  • Weapon effects: Fragile.
  • Armor effects: Fragile.

Wood from a tree of great hardness, ideal for carving weapons and light armor. Its dark color and deep grain reveal its resistance and durability in combat.


Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (11)
  • Rarity: Common - Very rare.

Remains of creatures that can be used to create simple weapons. Although they do not grant special effects, their hardness and natural shape make them useful in situations where improvisation is necessary.


Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (12)
  • Rarity: Common.
  • Weapon effects: Fragile.
  • Armor effects: Fragile.

Common and inexpensive material used in the creation of basic weapons and tools. Although it lacks the durability of more noble metals, its availability and ease of work make it ideal for equipping adventurers and workers with limited resources.


Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (13)
  • Rarity: Common.

An alloy of iron and carbon, it is the standard material in the manufacture of weapons and armor. Its superior strength and versatility make it ideal for durable and effective equipment. Skillfully forged, steel offers a perfect balance between hardness and flexibility, essential in combat.


Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (14)
  • Rarity: Common.
  • Weapon effects: Fragile, Silvered.
  • Armor effects: Fragile, Silvered.

Although less durable than other metals in combat, it is highly valued for its effectiveness against magical creatures. This rare and precious metal is used in specific weapons and amulets, capable of breaking enchantments and weakening supernatural beings, making it a specialized and valuable option.

Cold Iron

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (15)
  • Rarity: Common.
  • Weapon effects: Natural Enemy (Fey).
  • Armor effects: Natural Enemy (Fey).

Refined through special cold techniques that give it a bluish shine, it is used in weapons and tools designed to repel and damage creatures from the feywild, becoming a crucial resource for facing them.

Abyssal Metal

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (16)
  • Rarity: Uncommon - Legendary.

A natural metal found in the deep abyss regions. As it absorbs more abyssal energy, its rarity increases, reaching legendary levels. It has no effects on its own but is valued for its versatility when steel is insufficient for the artisans' projects.


Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (17)
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
  • Armor effects: Non-physical Mitigation (Acid).

A durable and resistant metal, similar to silver but with a less shiny appearance. Its high resistance to acidic elements makes it an ideal choice for crafting armor and tools that must endure corrosive conditions.

Alchemical Silver

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (18)
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
  • Weapon effects: Silvered.
  • Armor effects: Silvered.

Silver treated through alchemical processes to combine the strength of steel with the properties of silver. It is effective against certain types of magical creatures, providing enhanced defense without sacrificing durability.


Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (19)
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
  • Weapon effects: Sharpened.
  • Armor effects: Sharpened.

Volcanic material known for its exceptional durability and sharpness. Primarily used in the creation of weapons and tools due to its ability to maintain a sharp edge for a long time.

Eternal Wood

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (20)
  • Rarity: Rare.
  • Armor effects: Mental Awakening, Mental Outburst.

It is processed from the trunk or bark of the Eternal Tree or one of its sprouts. This wood is known for its exceptional durability and resistance to the passage of time, making it ideal for the creation of magical items and relics.

Infernal Steel

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (21)
  • Rarity: Rare.
  • Weapon effects: Additional Damage (Fire).
  • Armor effects: Non-physical Mitigation (Fire).

Matte bronze steel that, although cold to the touch, is a metal that is always hot, with an appearance of red-hot iron. It constantly emits heat with a faint red glow and is typically found in magma fields, volcanoes, and areas with constant lava flow.


Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (22)
  • Rarity: Rare.
  • Weapon effects: Lightened.
  • Armor effects: Lightened.

Bluish-platinum metal extracted from the depths of the earth. It is known for its lightness and strength, and is highly valued in the creation of elite armors and weapons.


Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (23)
  • Rarity: Very rare.
  • Weapon effects: Additional Damage (Force), Critical Advantage.
  • Armor effects: Non-physical Mitigation (Force), Critical Advantage.

Orange-bronze metal with a blood-red sheen, found in high-pressure locations such as deep volcanoes or underwater volcanic trenches. It exhibits a unique ability to warp gravity and natural energies, displaying a powerful aura, and is difficult to work with due to its high resistance.


Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (24)
  • Rarity: Legendary.
  • Weapon effects: Total Damage, Thickened.
  • Armor effects: Total Defense, Thickened.

Considered the strongest substance. Its smoky, silvery surface and opalescent sheen exhibit a greenish glow when light hits it. It is found in rare mineral veins deep within the world or in meteorites from other planets, being extremely valuable for the crafting of armor and weapons.

Divine Bone

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (25)
  • Rarity: Legendary.
  • Armor effects: Integral Resistance, Magic Resistance.

Fragments of bone from the physical body of a god. They possess a sacred and powerful aura, being extremely rare and valued for crafting items with divine and magical properties.


It is the process by which special effects are imparted to an item through magical or non-magical means. When the means are magical, it is often referred to as enchanting; however, expert artisans prefer to consider it part of the refinement process.

To imbue an effect into an item through refinement, several conditions must be met:

  • The item must be capable of being refined.
  • The necessary refinement materials must be available.
  • A compatible effect with the refinement materials must be chosen.
  • The artisan must have the skills and time to carry out the process.

This process will have differences if used in conjunction with the previous section or if used independently, which will be specified in each separate section.

Refinement Possibility

As a general rule, all non-magical weapons and armor can be refined, as magical items already possess an effect on their own. Optionally, accessories such as necklaces and rings can also be considered.

If the materials from the "Crafting" section are not being used, then any item can have a single effect regardless of its rarity.

If the materials from the "Crafting" section are being used, only effects of equal or lesser rarity than the material used to create the item can be refined.

Refinement Slots

Optionally, if using the materials from the "Crafting" section, the previously described rules can be replaced with refinement slots. The "Crafting Materials" table includes a column called "Refinement slots," which represents the available slots for effects in an item created with those materials.

Each effect has a rarity, and each rarity requires a certain number of refinement slots, as shown in the "Refinement Slots by Rarity" table. Thus, depending on the number of slots an item has, that determines the number of effects that can be applied.

Refinement Slots by Rarity
Very rare10

Additionally, the following balancing rules should be considered:

  • No item can have the same effect more than once, regardless of rarity.
  • No item can have more than 3 effects.

The last rule can be adjusted according to the balance of each campaign.

Refining Items

The refinement process can be compared to the item crafting process, with the base item and the refinement material serving as the material cost. The mechanics used for crafting are left to the discretion of the DM, but some suggestions can be found in the previous section, "Crafting."

When determining the rarity of the effect to be refined, the XGE rules for creating magic items can be used, with the effect to be applied as the base, reducing the time and cost of crafting due to already having the materials for refinement.

Refinement Materials

Throughout the world, there are numerous materials that can be acquired to refine certain items, either through non-magical or magical means. These materials can be obtained in various ways: sometimes by gathering them, other times by hunting beasts or monsters, or through secondary professions, or even as treasures from ancient civilizations.

Each material has a range of effects that can be applied to an item when used for refinement. Similarly, each material is assigned a rarity. The effect you wish to infuse during refinement must be of equal or lesser rarity than the material used. If a material's list of effects includes options with multiple levels, the material can only be used for effects corresponding to its rarity level.

Some materials can be obtained at different rarity levels, such as those coming from creatures. The same rule applies here. The rarity of materials extracted from creatures depends on their CR, as shown in the "Rarity of Materials by CR" table.

Rarity of Materials by CR
13-16Very rare
17 o másLegendary

Items do not have a defined cost, as it will depend on each campaign. However, if considered part of the materials for crafting magical items, you might compare them with the costs for creating magical items in XGE.

The complete list is included in the "Refinement Materials" table, which sorts materials according to their cost. This table details the following aspects:

  • Rarity. Rarity of the material.
  • Weapon effects. List of weapon effects that can be applied using this material for refinement.
  • Armor effects. List of armor effects that can be applied using this material for refinement.

Optional Rule: Required Units

It is assumed that one unit of these materials represents the amount needed to refine items of any size, as including rules to change the required quantity based on size would add unnecessary complexity.

The decision to include this layer of complexity, as well as how to implement it, will depend on the campaign's needs and the DM's discretion. However, we could propose a system that considers two aspects: the size of creature and the type of item.

A versatile weapon and an intermediate armor for medium-sized creatures can be used as a base, adjusting the ratio from there. An equivalence, as shown in the "Units Required by Item Type" table, could be proposed.

If this rule is established at the DM's discretion, certain items could be assigned a property that allows them to ignore this rule, requiring only one unit regardless of the item's size.

Units Required by Item Type
-Units by Creature Size-
One-Handed Melee Weapons1/81/41/21
Versatile One-Handed Melee Weapons1/41/212
Two-Handed Melee Weapons1/2123
Simple Ranged Weapons1/41/212
Martial Ranged Weapons1/2123
Light Armor1/81/41/21
Medium Armor1/41/212
Heavy Armor1/2123
Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (26)
Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (27)
Refinement Materials
NameRarityWeapon effectsArmor effects
Aberrant ResidueCommon - Legendary-Intimidating Image
Arcane FragmentCommonSpellcasting (Cantrip)
Spellcasting (Cantrip)
Arcane PearlRare-Magical Resistance
Black PearlRareSpellcasting (Counterspell)
Spellcasting (Dispel Magic)
Spellcasting (Counterspell)
Spellcasting (Dispel Magic)
Magical Mitigation
Magical Resistance
Bronze Dragon ScaleCommon - LegendaryAdditional Damage (Lightning)Non-physical Mitigation (Lightning)
Non-physical Resistance (Lightning)
Changeling BloodUncommon-Desired Appearance
Copper Dragon ScaleCommon - LegendaryAdditional Damage (Acid)
Critical Advantage
Non-physical Mitigation (Acid)
Non-physical Resistance (Acid)
Critical Advantage
Electric CoreCommon - Very rareAdditional Damage (Lightning)
Chain Lightning
Non-physical Mitigation (Lightning)
Non-physical Resistance (Lightning)
Electrified OreUncommonAdditional Damage (Lightning)
Chain Lightning
Non-physical Mitigation (Lightning)
Elemental RockCommon - Very rareSpellcasting (Stone Wall)Physical Barrier
Elven DewUncommon-Revitalization
Fairy TearsCommon - LegendaryNatural Enemy (Aberration)Natural Enemy (Aberration)
Mental Awakening
Mental Disruption
Giant BoneUncommon - Very rareNatural Enemy (Dragon)Natural Enemy (Dragon)
Guardian Beast FangCommon - Very rareNatural Enemy (Beast)Natural Enemy (Beast)
Holy WaterCommon - Very rareAdditional Damage (Radiant)
Natural Enemy (Undead)
Natural Enemy (Undead)
Non-physical Mitigation (Necrotic)
Non-physical Resistance (Necrotic)
Hydra HeartUncommonGroup AttackReduced Sleep
Moontree SapUncommonRefinedRefined
Spiritual WaterRare-Revitalization
Vampire FangCommon - Very rareBlood Drain
Blood Sacrifice
Wind CoreCommon - Very rareSpellcasting (Wind Wall)Quickstep

Aberrant Residue

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (28)
  • Rarity: Common - Legendary.
  • Armor effects: Intimidating Image.

Amorphous substance extracted from creatures considered aberrations. This residue can transmit effects of horror and is used in the creation of artifacts and potions that induce fear or confusion in enemies.

Arcane Fragment

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (29)
  • Rarity: Common.
  • Weapon effects: Spellcasting (Cantrip), Magical.
  • Armor effects: Spellcasting (Cantrip), Magical.

Tiny crystal, a residue from the crafting of arcane crystals. It glows faintly with limited magical energy, though it is not pure. It is used in minor rituals and low-level enchantments.

Arcane Pearl

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (30)
  • Rarity: Rare.
  • Armor effects: Magical Resistance.

Arcane crystal crafted with such detail that it forms an almost perfect pearl. It is used to imbue magical effects into items, making it an essential tool for artisans and wizards in the creation of enchanted artifacts.

Black Pearl

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (31)
  • Rarity: Rare.
  • Weapon effects: Spellcasting (Counterspell), Spellcasting (Dispel Magic).
  • Armor effects: Spellcasting (Counterspell), Spellcasting (Dispel Magic), Magical Mitigation, Magical Resistance.

Pearl produced by obstructing the magic source during the creation of arcane pearls. This pearl has effects that counteract magic, and is used in the crafting of artifacts and enchantments that neutralize or absorb magical energy.

Bronze Dragon Scale

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (32)
  • Rarity: Common - Legendary.
  • Weapon effects: Additional Damage (Lightning).
  • Armor effects: Non-physical Mitigation (Lightning), Quickstep, Non-physical Resistance (Lightning).

Scale from one of the types of dragons that adore war but disdain tyranny, recognized for their natural speed. This scale is used in the creation of armor and weapons with magical properties of speed and linked to lightning.

Changeling Blood

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (33)
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
  • Armor effects: Desired Appearance.

Blood willingly given by a changeling, retaining some of its shapeshifting properties. It is used for magical effects involving appearance change, being an essential component in potions and enchantments of transformation.

Copper Dragon Scale

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (34)
  • Rarity: Common - Legendary.
  • Weapon effects: Additional Damage (Acid), Critical Advantage.
  • Armor effects: Non-physical Mitigation (Acid), Non-physical Resistance (Acid), Critical Advantage.

Scale from one of the more accessible dragons, known for their clever personality and interest in traps and puzzles. These scales can reflect these traits in their uses, being valuable for creating artifacts with deceptive or defensive properties, as well as those linked to acid.

Electric Core

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (35)
  • Rarity: Common - Very rare.
  • Weapon effects: Additional Damage (Lightning), Chain Lightning.
  • Armor effects: Non-physical Mitigation (Lightning), Non-physical Resistance (Lightning).

Remnant left after the death of a lightning elemental. This core retains a powerful electrical energy, being used in the creation of artifacts and weapons that can manipulate or release electrical discharges.

Electrified Ore

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (36)
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
  • Weapon effects: Additional Damage (Lightning), Chain Lightning.
  • Armor effects: Non-physical Mitigation (Lightning).

Metal that has been struck by lightning and has retained some of its energy. It is used in the creation of weapons and devices that can channel and release this electrical energy.

Elemental Rock

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (37)
  • Rarity: Common - Very rare.
  • Weapon effects: Spellcasting (Stone Wall).
  • Armor effects: Physical Barrier.

Rough stone with remnants of earth attached, faintly emanating earth elemental energy. It has a dark brown hue with subtle streaks of reddish soil, and emits a slight tremor when touched.

Elven Dew

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (38)
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
  • Armor effects: Revitalization.

Water extracted from the dew of ancient trees. Although it is frequently distributed in elven cities, it remains a rare and highly valued product for its magical and healing properties.

Fairy Tears

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (39)
  • Rarity: Common - Legendary.
  • Weapon effects: Natural Enemy (Aberration).
  • Armor effects: Natural Enemy (Aberration), Mental Awakening, Mental Disruption, Revitalization.

Tears from fairies, those of great power or rank are considered nearly legendary items due to their extraordinary magical and healing properties.

Giant Bone

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (40)
  • Rarity: Uncommon - Very rare.
  • Weapon effects: Natural Enemy (Dragon).
  • Armor effects: Natural Enemy (Dragon).

Bone from the colossal creatures that once ruled their world. These bones are commonly processed into powder, which is used for various magical and alchemical effects due to their unique properties.

Guardian Beast Fang

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (41)
  • Rarity: Common - Very Rare.
  • Weapon effects: Natural Enemy (Beast).
  • Armor effects: Natural Enemy (Beast).

Fang from beasts blessed by deities of the hunt. This fang is a powerful talisman, used in rituals and for crafting weapons and artifacts with protective and combat properties.

Holy Water

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (42)
  • Rarity: Common - Very rare.
  • Weapon effects: Additional Damage (Radiant), Natural Enemy (Undead).
  • Armor effects: Natural Enemy (Undead), Non-physical Mitigation (Necrotic), Non-physical Resistance (Necrotic).

Blessed water by clerics. This water can imbue items with properties against undead, making them more effective in combat against these creatures.

Hydra Heart

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (43)
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
  • Weapon effects: Group Attack.
  • Armor effects: Reduced Sleep.

Heart from the multi-headed beast that allows you to duplicate your abilities in a manner similar to the multiple heads of this monstrosity.

Moontree Sap

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (44)
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
  • Weapon effects: Refined.
  • Armor effects: Refined.

Mystical liquid that can only be collected on full moon nights. This luminous sap has magical properties, used in powerful potions and enchantments. Its rarity and difficulty of collection make it extremely valuable to alchemists and sorcerers.

Spiritual Water

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (45)
  • Rarity: Rare.
  • Armor effects: Revitalization.

Water extracted from lakes in the Feywild planes, known for its vitality-restoring properties. This mystical liquid is extremely valuable and is used in rituals and magical healing.

Vampire Fang

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (46)
  • Rarity: Uncommon - Very rare.
  • Weapon effects: Blood Drain, Blood Sacrifice.

Fang from a vampire or one of its servants. This fang can bestow effects related to blood or magic, and is used in rituals and the creation of dark and powerful artifacts.

Wind Core

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (47)
  • Rarity: Common - Very rare.
  • Weapon effects: Spellcasting (Wind Wall).
  • Armor effects: Quickstep.

Remnant left after the death of an air elemental. It retains several of its magical properties, being used in the creation of artifacts and spells that manipulate wind and speed.


The effects that can be granted to equipment are varied, ranging from conventional ones for magical items to those with quite unconventional effects.

Each effect has its own rarity, which can determine internal options within the effect or control other characteristics, such as the total daily uses of that effect.

If considering the possibility of refining accessories, accessory effects may include some of the armor effects. These have the property "Complementary," indicating they can be added to a small item and used from it.

Not all refinements are considered magical. If not specified in the item's details, the refined item is not considered a magical item. Some effects require the item to be attuned to the user, which is also specified in the details of the effect.

There are materials that possess effects naturally, so these effects are not considered as refinement effects, allowing the item to be refined without losing its natural properties.

Unless specified otherwise, weapon effects only apply when you make attacks with the weapon that bears the effect. Similarly, armor effects will only be considered when you are wearing the armor.

Effects with the "Limited" property can only be used a number of times per day corresponding to their rarity, as shown in the table "Daily Uses of Effects".

Daily Uses of Effects
RarityDaily uses
Very rare5

Effects with the "Adaptable" property use additional dice depending on the type of weapon or armor the effect contains, as specified in the table "Additional Dice by Item Type."

Additional Dice by Item Type
Item TypeAdditional Die
Simple Weapons, Light Armor, Accessoriesd4
Martial One-Handed or Versatile Weapons, Medium Armord6
Martial Two-Handed Weapons, Heavy Armord8

Likewise, effects that use these additional dice will increase the number of dice based on their rarity, as shown in the table "Additional Dice by Rarity".

Additional Dice by Rarity
RarityAdditional Dice
Very rare4

For instance, if a longsword has a very rare effect that causes additional damage on hit, it would deal an average of 14 additional damage per attack. The effect could be used a total of 5 times per day, resulting in an average of 70 additional damage throughout the day. An item with an effect of this rarity should not be obtainable below level 13.

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (48)
Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (49)

When compared to effects like Divine Fury trait of the Path of the Zealot, which deals 1d6 + half the barbarian's level, a level 13 barbarian can rage 5 times. If all 5 rages occur in combat and are maintained for 1 minute, causing damage each turn, it would result in an average of 100 additional damage per combat. Thus, throughout the day, it would cause an average of 500 additional damage.

Although the damage is significantly lower, the conditions set for this calculation are quite specific, and combining multiple effects could substantially increase the damage dealt by players. If this is considered imprudent, the increase in dice by effect rarity can be removed. With this, at level 13, only an average of 17 additional damage would be caused.

The table "Additional Dice Calculation" shows this average value by rarity and additional die for quick reference.

Additional Dice Calculation
Common2 (1d4)3 (1d6)4 (1d8)
Uncommon5 (2d4)7 (2d6)9 (2d8)
Rare7 (3d4)10 (3d6)13 (3d8)
Very rare10 (4d4)14 (4d6)18 (4d8)
Legendary12 (5d4)17 (5d6)22 (5d8)

Additionally, the table "Daily Additional Dice Calculation" shows the calculation of additional damage per day.

Daily Additional Dice Calculation
Common4 (1d4 x 2)6 (1d6 x 2)8 (1d8 x 2)
Uncommon15 (2d4 x 3)21 (2d6 x 3)27 (2d8 x 3)
Rare28 (3d4 x 4)40 (3d6 x 4)52 (3d8 x 4)
Very rare50 (4d4 x 5)70 (4d6 x 5)90 (4d8 x 5)
Legendary72 (5d4 x 6)102 (5d6 x 6)132 (5d8 x 6)

These explanations illustrate how I arrived at the belief that this could be balanced. However, as explained in the introduction, the primary intention of this supplement is not to create something entirely balanced but to provide a foundation for creating and incorporating interesting effects.

Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (50)
Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (51)
Efectos de armas
Additional DamageUncommon to very rare
Blood DrainUncommon to very rare
Blood SacrificeUncommon to very rare
Chain LightningUncommon to very rare
Critical AdvantageRare
Group AttackUncommon to very rare
Natural EnemyUncommon to very rare
SpellcastingCommon to legendary
Total DamageVery rare to legendary
RefinedUncommon to very rare

Additional Damage

  • Magical, uncommon to very rare (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Adaptable, Limited.

When you hit with a weapon attack, you can deal additional damage. The type of damage is the same as the non-physical damage associated with the effect, which can be acid, cold, fire, necrotic, psychic, radiant, lightning, thunder, or poison. The additional damage is equal to the result of the additional dice.

Blood Drain

  • Magical, uncommon to very rare (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Adaptable, Limited.

When you hit with a weapon attack, you can deal additional piercing damage and recover hit points equal to this additional damage. The additional damage equals the result of the additional dice.

Blood Sacrifice

  • Magical, uncommon to very rare (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Adaptable, Limited.

When you hit with a weapon attack, you can sacrifice hit points to deal additional necrotic damage. You can choose any number of your additional dice; for each die to be rolled, you must sacrifice 5 hit points. The additional damage is equal to twice the result of the rolled dice.

Chain Lightning

  • Magical, uncommon to very rare (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Adaptable, Limited.

When you hit with a weapon attack, after calculating the damage, you can deal additional lightning damage to up to three creatures of your choice. These targets must be within 10 feet of the initial target. The additional damage equals the result of the additional dice. You may distribute this damage among the chosen creatures as you wish.

Critical Advantage

  • Magical, rare (requires attunement)

When you score a critical hit, you can roll the damage dice twice, keeping the higher result.


  • Common.

You receive a -1 penalty to damage rolls.

Group Attack

  • Magical, uncommon to very rare (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Limited.

You can use a single action to attack multiple creatures with a melee attack that are within your attack range, without being able to move between these attacks. The total number of creatures you can attack is determined by the rarity: 2 (Uncommon), 3 (Rare), 4 (Very Rare).


  • Rare.

The weapon weighs half as much as its steel counterpart.

Weapons that do not have the light or heavy property gain the light property. Weapons that have the heavy property lose it.


  • Magical, common.

The weapon is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.

Natural Enemy

  • Magical, uncommon to very rare (requires attunement)

The effect is tied to a specific type of creature, and all its effects only work with this type of creature.

When you hit with a weapon attack, you may roll damage twice and keep the higher value.

If the effect is rare, you can score a critical hit on weapon attacks with attack rolls of 19 or 20.

If the effect is very rare, you gain advantage on weapon attack rolls.


  • Uncommon to very rare.

Grants a bonus to attack and damage rolls depending on rarity, being +1 (Uncommon), +2 (Rare), +3 (Very Rare).


  • Common.
  • Propierties: Adaptable, Limited.

When you hit with a weapon attack, you can deal additional damage. The type of damage is the same as the damage type caused by the weapon, which can be piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning. The additional damage equals the result of the additional dice.


  • Common.

Overcomes the resistance or immunity that certain creatures have to steel.


  • Magical, common to legendary (requires attunement)

Once per day, it allows you to cast the spell associated with the effect without using material components.

The spell level determines the DC for the saving throw and the attack bonus, as well as the rarity of the effect, as shown in the table "Effect Spell".

Effect Spell
Spell LevelRaritySave DCAttack Bonus
6thVery rare17+9
7thVery rare18+10
8thVery rare18+10


  • Uncommon.

The weapon weighs twice as much as its steel counterpart.

Weapons that do not have the light or heavy property gain the heavy property. Weapons that have the light property lose it.

The damage dice of all weapons change from d4 to d6, d6 to d8, d8 to d10, d10 to d12, and d12 to 2d8.

Total Damage

  • Magical, very rare to legendary (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Limited.

When you hit with a weapon attack, you deal the maximum damage of the weapon’s dice instead of rolling the damage die.

If the effect is legendary, you deal the maximum damage of a critical hit, even if it was not a critical hit. Additionally, if the hit was a critical hit, you deal double the maximum damage of a critical hit.

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Efectos de armaduras
Critical AdvantageRare
Desired AppearanceUncommon
Integral ResistanceLegendary
Intimidating ImageUncommon
Magical MitigationUncommon - Very rare
Magical ResistanceRare
Mental AwakeningUncommon
Mental DisruptionUncommon
Natural EnemyCommon - Rare
Non-Physical MitigationCommon - Uncommon
Non-Physical ResistanceRare
Physical BarrierCommon - Very Rare
Physical MitigationUncommon - Rare
Physical ResistanceVery rare
QuickstepCommon - Uncommon
Reduced SleepUncommon
RefinedUncommon - Very rare
RevitalizationUncommon - Very rare
SharpenedCommon - Very Rare
SpellcastingCommon - Legendary
Total DefenseVery Rare

Critical Advantage

  • Magical, rare (requires attunement)

When you are hit by a critical strike, you can use a reaction to force the creature to roll damage dice twice, keeping the lower value.

Desired Appearance

  • Magical, uncommon (requires attunement)

The first time you attune to the item, you must choose a desired appearance according to the parameters of the "Change Appearance" option of the Alter Self spell. While you are attuned to the item, your appearance will remain that way. Any other creature that attunes to the item in the future will gain the same appearance you chose.


  • Common.

You gain a -1 modifier to your AC.

Integral Resistance

  • Magical, legendary (requires attunement)

You gain resistance to all types of non-physical damage, which include acid, cold, fire, necrotic, psychic, radiant, lightning, thunder, and poison.

Intimidating Image

  • Magical, uncommon (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Complementary.

Alters how others see you, granting advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.


  • Rare.

The armor weighs half as much as its steel counterpart. It eliminates the strength requirements for wearing some armors.

Heavy armor is considered medium armor, and medium armor is considered light armor for armor proficiencies.

Additionally, medium armor allows you to add up to +3 of your Dexterity modifier instead of +2.


  • Magical, common.

The armor is considered magical.

Magical Mitigation

  • Magical, uncommon to very rare (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Adaptable, Limited.

When you are hit by a spell that has made an attack roll, you can use a reaction to reduce the damage taken. The reduced damage is equal to the result of the additional dice.

Magical Resistance

  • Magical, rare (requires attunement)

Grants advantage on saving throws against spells.

Mental Awakening

  • Magical, uncommon (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Complementary.

You gain advantage on Wisdom saving throws to resist spell effects or traits.

Mental Disruption

  • Magical, uncommon (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Complementary.

When a target must make a Wisdom saving throw to resist a spell or effect you cause, they do so with disadvantage.

Natural Enemy

  • Magical, common to rare (requires attunement)

The effect is linked to a specific type of creature, and all its effects only work with this type of creature.

When you are hit by an attack, you can use a reaction to force the creature to roll damage twice, keeping the lower value.

If the effect is uncommon, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells or effects.

If the effect is rare, you gain advantage on saving throws against spells or effects.

Non-Physical Mitigation

  • Magical, common to uncommon (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Adaptable, Limited.

When you are hit by an attack, you can use a reaction to reduce the damage taken. The damage type must be the same as the non-physical damage type associated with the effect, which can be acid, cold, fire, necrotic, psychic, radiant, lightning, thunder, or poison. The reduced damage is equal to the result of the additional dice.

Non-Physical Resistance

  • Magical, rare (requires attunement)

You gain resistance to the type of non-physical damage linked to the effect, which can be acid, cold, fire, necrotic, psychic, radiant, lightning, thunder, or poison.

Physical Barrier

  • Magical, common to very rare (requires attunement)

After a long rest, you regain a number of hit points depending on the rarity: 5 (Common), 10 (Uncommon), 15 (Rare), 20 (Very Rare).

Physical Mitigation

  • Magical, uncommon to rare (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Adaptable, Limited.

When you are hit by an attack, you can use a reaction to reduce the damage taken. The type of damage must be the same as the physical damage type associated with the effect, which can be bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing. The reduced damage is equal to the result of the additional dice.

Physical Resistance

  • Magical, very rare (requires attunement)

You gain resistance to the type of physical damage associated with the effect, which can be bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing.


  • Magical, common to uncommon

Increases movement speed depending on the rarity, being 5 (Common), 10 (Uncommon).

Reduced Sleep

  • Uncommon.

You can take a long rest in half the time.


  • Uncommon to very rare.

Bonus to AC depending on the rarity, being +1 (Uncommon), +2 (Rare), +3 (Very Rare).

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Crafting and Refining Materials by artegalhest (56)


  • Magical, uncommon to very Rare (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Adaptable, Complementary.

Once per day, by using an action, you recover hit points equal to the result of the additional dice.


  • Magical, common to very rare (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Adaptable, Limited.

When someone attempts to physically grab or restrain you, you can use a reaction to avoid it and deal slashing damage equal to the result of the additional dice.


  • Common.

Grants resistance to non-magical damage caused by certain creatures that have resistance to steel.


  • Magical, common to legendary (requires attunement)
  • Propierties: Complementary.

Once per day, it allows you to cast the spell associated with the effect without using material components.

The spell level determines the DC for the saving throw and the attack bonus, as well as the rarity of the effect, as shown in the table "Effect Spell".

Effect Spell
Spell LevelRaritySave DCAttack Bonus
6thVery rare17+9
7thVery rare18+10
8thVery rare18+10


  • Uncommon.

The armor weighs twice as much as its steel counterpart, resulting in a +2 AC modifier.

Armor that grants an AC of 14 or higher and does not require a Strength requirement will have a Strength requirement of 13.

Light armor allows up to +2 Dexterity modifier. Medium armor does not allow any Dexterity modifier.

Light armor is considered medium armor, and medium armor is considered heavy armor for armor proficiency.

Total Defense

  • Magical, very rare (requires attunement)

When you are hit by a critical attack, you can use a reaction to calculate the damage as if it were a normal attack.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.